Just when you think rethuglicans really could not possibly go lower or more regressive, *bam*. Ryan the fink Zinke has a problem with the stupid wall – placing it on U.S. land would cede the Rio Grande, oh no wtfbbq!!!11!1 The solution? Doesn’t seem to be one right now, outside of making sure endangered animals are endangered right into extinction. It seems the only way to keep the Rio Grande would be to either steal land from Mexico, or build it on Mexico’s land and claim it for uStates. Or something. Jesus Fuck. There’s that Colonial mindset at work.
E&E News reports that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke talked about the logistics of building a border wall while speaking at an event held by the Public Lands Council this week, and he said the Trump administration didn’t want to build the wall on American soil because it would mean ceding the entire Rio Grande river to Mexico.
“The border is complicated, as far as building a physical wall,” Zinke said. “The Rio Grande, what side of the river are you going to put the wall? We’re not going to put it on our side and cede the river to Mexico. And we’re probably not going to put it in the middle of the river.”
Zinke didn’t elaborate on how the wall would get built if it wasn’t located on America’s side of the Rio Grande or in the middle of the river, which implies that it would be built on the Mexican side of the border.
Elsewhere in his talk, E&E News reports Zinke said the Trump administration will seek a waiver to the Endangered Species Act so it can build the wall in jaguar habitats that are for now protected from “destruction or adverse modification.”
Via Raw Story. And, Ryan fucking idiot Zinke has now said there’s no such thing as clean energy. Nope.
Seems like the orange fuckhead in charge, being in real estate, would know that you cannot erect a structure on your neighbor’s property. I guess he will correct this lower republican idiot, right?
Give Texas back to Mexico.
Just the real estate.
The white people can go back where they came from.
Yeah, because you don’t want to cede the Río Grande you are just going to invade México and steal their land as well as the Río Grande from them, probably because you know that they’re civilised people who won’t start a war over it.
This wouldn’t be a problem if the Mexicans would just surrender Baja US and remove themselves from what should be (Manifest Destiny!!) more of our soil.
Around 400,000 people died building The Great Wall of China; many of their bodies are in the foundations, along with the mortar. I think that, if the republicans are so enthusiastic about the wall, the least they could do is contribute directly to its construction, as the builders of The Great Wall did.
Also, I can’t help but ponder where the labor for the new wall will come from. It’s not going to ivy league white guys building it, that’s for sure. … If I were a congressthing writing the appropriation bill for the thing, I’d be tempted to add a bit to the legislation, saying that only white people could be hired to work on the wall, and that the wall had to be named “The White People’s Wall” Surely, nobody could object! White pride and all that!
The white people can go back where they came from.
When I read about the early history of Texas, I was surprised to learn that the radicals who took over the state and joined the US were: illegal immigrants. So I think it is legitimate for USains to be worried about illegal immigrants -- goodness knows, there’s history backing it up!
(And that’s not even mentioning the large wave of European illegal immigrants that started in the early 1500s)
My suggestion on how to do the the wall: Army Corps of Engineers will put nine-inch high wall of garden edging on the border. I know, doesn’t make much sense, but I think much more sense than what the Misadministration and the Latter-Day-Flightless-Göring has proposed.
Ice Swimmer #7
Great idea! It could be like Spinal Tap!
It just occurred to me that people might be clicking on this, thinking Pink Floyd, not idiotic wall.
I have been reliably informed (by anonymous internet peoplez, so you know my source is beyond reproach), that “literally everyone” who has property along the Mexican border, would “happily” give that land to the US gubmint for the wall. As looking at a slab of concrete is apparently preferable to looking at Mexico. I tried to politely suggest that perhaps he didn’t grasp the meaning of the word ‘literally’, but he was adamant. So that’s sorted. Presumably, Trump is busy being inundated with phone calls from people trying to give him their land.
Oh my, how does fend them all off?
“Probably”? So the cost of the wall may go up another 500% or so and the eighth wonder of the world may turn out to be a monument to stupidity. It’s almost a shame that by its very nature it couldn’t possibly be long-lived. Perhaps a small section could be preserved throughout the ages to remind people what happens when the loudmouths are in charge.