Note that the sticker on Woody’s guitar does not read “This machine politely debates fascists”.
Ugh. There you go again, Caine. Being as bad as a polite white concentration camp associate caringly looking after the hygiene of their Jewish clientele.
Don’t you know that all ideas should be safe in public spaces?
Some noble white racist Enlightenment figure said so.
This machine politely debates fascists
Hmm. Perhaps that can be spun into a t-shirt: “This person does not politely debate fascists”, and leave it up to the imagination as to what this person does do with fascists.
(“I’m not advocating violence, no, I’m just saying I wouldn’t politely debate them. You’re the one advocating violence by saying I’m advocating violence by not participating in polite debates with fascists.”)
One of my own favourites (I know I’ve posted this before, apologies), Attila the Stockbroker This is Free Europe.
Note that the sticker on Woody’s guitar does not read “This machine politely debates fascists”.
Ugh. There you go again, Caine. Being as bad as a polite white concentration camp associate caringly looking after the hygiene of their Jewish clientele.
Don’t you know that all ideas should be safe in public spaces?
Some noble white racist Enlightenment figure said so.
Hmm. Perhaps that can be spun into a t-shirt: “This person does not politely debate fascists”, and leave it up to the imagination as to what this person does do with fascists.
(“I’m not advocating violence, no, I’m just saying I wouldn’t politely debate them. You’re the one advocating violence by saying I’m advocating violence by not participating in polite debates with fascists.”)
One of my own favourites (I know I’ve posted this before, apologies), Attila the Stockbroker This is Free Europe.
“If it takes a fist, then strike them down.”
Ahh, love me a good Nazi smashing song in the morning:
I like that T-shirt idea
More historical resistance:
From Spain: los cuatros generales
From Germany: Ester Bejarano and Microphone Mafia “Avanti Popolo”
Ester is a survivor of Auschwitz and a tireless fighter against fascists.
And since I’m browsing Youtube: Would you believe those Jews dared to sing about fighting Nazis with weapons?
Thanks. I’m genuinely about to go all Hulk Smash in the comments of my post, but watching/listening to these calmed me down a bit…