Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) speaks during a health care news conference to oppose Republicans’ effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. CREDIT: AP Photo/Evan Vucci.
In a classical villain move, the rethugs met in the middle of the night to kill off healthcare. PZ has posted about this, and Think Progress has a comprehensive look at what went down.
I’m just going to focus on the fear, the terror, the despair. Every single fucking person who voted for that sick fucker Trump, every single fucking person who didn’t bother to strike a valid vote against him, ever single fucking person who bleats about voting republican because, there simply are not enough deeply nasty words for you. There isn’t anything out there compared to the bone deep ugly inside of yourselves. Rotten to the godsdamn core, all of you who brought this about. :spits:
And one more fucking time: The Affordable Care Act, which has now been gutted out of fucking spite, is the same thing as Obamacare.
@keithellison As a breast cancer survivor, this is a death sentence for me.
As a Stage 3 cancer survivor I’m ineligible for life insurance and soon won’t be able to afford health insurance. Is this how “great” feels?
Mike TI have cystic fibrosis. If the ACA is repealed people like me will lose coverage. People like me will die. #SavetheACA
Regular Sized ReneeAs a veteran my health insurance is covered under the ACA.
Jen ishI have a chronic disease. #SaveACA means I can be self-employed with coverage and schedule work around my illness. Without it? Who knows.
Cindy Baldwin2. Without the protections in the ACA, I will run out of health insurance in 1-2 years thanks to the reinstatement of lifetime limits.
Ange@SenSchumer so my pre-x condition of cancer will screw me and a recurrence will kill me…
Just the tiniest sample of those millions of people who will now find themselves in untenable and intolerable situations, thanks to all those who voted in mega-assholes who think running on spite and hate is a fine fucking thing.
Via Raw Story.
Oh great, there’s already a consevative celebrating the decision in the comments of the Think Progress article. These people are just evil, aren’t they?
As the Republicans shut off the containment grid, what could possibly go wrong?
Yes, they are. These are same assholes who screamed about “death panels” when the ACA first got off the ground. Now that people are actually looking at death, they’re gloating and celebrating.
They’re not all evil. I’ve seen more than one proud Trump voter comment that they’re glad that Obamacare is going to be repealed and the sooner the better, and they, personally, don’t need it, since they, personally, get their cover via the Affordable Care Act.
Yeah, I know, posted about that confusion and all (and so has everyone else), but you’re wrong. They are that fucking evil.
“I’ve got mine, you can suffer.” really is evil.
No question.
Let’s imagine a world in which the ACA and Obamacare are two different things and some people have insurance via the ACA and others via Obamacare. In this case, those insured via the ACA cheering are cheering because other people are losing their health insurance, something for which “evil” is a pretty adequate word.
That in this world they are too wilfully ignorant to understand that in this particular case of “I got mine, fuck you!” “mine” and “yours” are identical doesn’t change this.
If you’re gonna die of something incurable; shoot a couple republican lawmakers first. And make sure you leave a letter explaining why.
@Gilliell, 7: I obviously hadn’t thought it through past the mental roadblock of “WTF are you really that stupid?”. I was wrong, you are right.
As gruesome as it sounds, there needs to be database of people who die because of this act. Iraq Body Count is a good model.
The actual number, in thousands, of Americans murdered by Mitch McConnell and his crew needs to be a public and often-repeated fact.