All white men must be signed up by January 20th. Do your duty, White Dudes!
As you may or may not know, in America 57% of reported rapes1 and 64% of mass shootings2 were committed by white men. 45% of all serial killers are white men3. 1 in 3 women will experience some form of domestic violence during their lifetime4, and 97% of those domestic violence perpetrators were men5.
According to a Newsweek article from earlier this year, Right Wing Extremists pose a greater threat to National security than ISIS6, and in the past week alone The Southern Poverty Law Center has registered over 400 reports of hate crimes enacted in the name of the nationalist, racist, and sexist campaign rhetoric espoused by Donald J Trump7. Every day, as shocking staff appointments and Muslim registry plans start to emerge from the President-Elect’s transition team8,9, one thing has become increasingly clear: the safety of American citizens– all American citizens– is in danger.
Forget the nation of Islam, our most immediate threat to domestic security is and always has been white, straight men.
That is why I have decided to do my part as a Red Blooded Patriot by creating The White Male Registry. It is a simple google form complete with questions that will help identify just how much of a threat to American security any individual white male may pose to the general public.
Until January 20th all white men may voluntarily register themselves. Special consideration may or may not be granted to those who register before this date. After January 20th, however, I will be encouraging anyone and everyone to add to the list any non-registered white male they may personally perceive as a threat to their safety.
I will also be registering every white man in Washington one by one. I started with Donald J Trump himself and sent him a message this morning via his website:
Hi Mr President-Elect and your esteemed team of assistants,I am writing to inform you that I’ll be adding your name to the National White Men Registry I have just created. I’m trying to keep America safe from the ethnic group that, statistically speaking, poses the largest threat to national safety: white, straight, CIS-gendered men.
I hope you’ll join me in asking other white men to register in the interest of national safety, for as you so wisely said, “We want to be very fair but too many bad things are happening and the percentage of true hatred is too great. People that are looking to destroy our country must be reported and turned in by the good people who love our country and want America to be great again.”
I couldn’t have said it better.
All the best to you and your transition team. I sincerely hope that we have the chance to meet in person one day so that I can grab you by your most esteemed man-pussy. But be forewarned: once I grab it I will never, ever, ever let go.
———–To the White Men of America, I humbly ask that you do your part for National Security and American Freedom. We can not rest until @allwhitemen are present and accounted for.
In solidarity for All Americans. Be Well.
*Because there will be at least one person who doesn’t get it, see here, and please note use of the word satirical.
The background wallpaper at that site…
Also known as the Trump cabinet.
In more serious terms, some people have said they’d register themselves as muslims if there registry came. I can only encourage and support that. Make that whole thing an unsustainable mess.
Yes, I’ve read a fair number of people who have said they will do that. I will do that, if it happens where I am. It’s a small enough thing to do on an individual basis, and if enough people do it, it would be one big monkey-wrench in that bigoted nonsense.
I fully support the idea of self-registering as Muslim, albeit in my case, that will probably only happen in the course of rare paperwork (e.g., passport renewal). But I must also point out that in an authoritarian dictatorship, that sort of action typically carries severe penalties, and I would not rule out “falsely registering…” being a capital “crime”. I am very doubtful there would be any serious investigation or appeal process, meaning that to avoid being shot, deportation / expulsion, or at least the sort of harassment that leads to self-emigration (think McCarthy era), is uncomfortably possible unless you can pay the bribes or lawyers’s fees.
I have no doubt there would be penalties, but as protesting may soon be mostly illegal, we have to do whatever we can.
If it comes to cases, I’ll register, and consequences be damned.
Only 45% of serial killers are white males? I thought it was higher.
chigau (ever-elliptical) (#1) --
The US is 64% white, 50% male. If serial killerness was evenly distributed, that would make 32% of serial killers white males. So white males are seriously over-represented at 45%.
The push to make certains forms of protest (in essence all the forms that have actually chance to achieve something, like this one) is a typical feature of every dictatorship ever. It is one of the steps to consolidate power and make any functioning opposition illegal.
And oour CZ president, and his predecessor, have nothing better to do than to praise Trump’s “political incorrectness”. And some of our politicians are saying that minority who lost the vote in democracty should suck it up untill next vote. Conveniently forgetting that the next vote might be rigged, if preemptive actions are not taken. One would think that politicians in a country that was the first to come into the crosshairs of nazi Germany, and lived most of its modern history except for about 20 years in a totalitarian regime that criminalized free speech, assembly and any form of protests against the ruling clas (whether Habsburgs or communists) would know better, but no, they do not, and neither does the general populace.
That’s happening everywhere! We got to talking about that in the Saturday Silliness thread, and the increasing likelihood that Le Pen will win in France, and Blf noted:
It’s a very scary world right now.
Makes you wonder how they’re going to assess who’S a “real muslim”.
Obviously those people think that all muslims are “the same”, but smart people know it’s not true. Go by country of “origin” and you miss all the white arsed converts who are often much more radical than their muslim by birth counterparts. Go by muslim rules and there can hardly be any false registers as all it requires is to state publicly you’re a muslim and never renounce it. Assess how carefully observe the rules of Islam? Good luck fonding two scholars agreeing on what that means. My Syrian and Iraqi students seem to be divided between “yes, finally cheap and easily available booth” and “I always thought you’d all drink beer all the time, but there’s non-muslim Germans who act just like us”.
There’s no intention of bothering to determine who is / isn’t a “real Muslim” (whatever that is) before they are shot or deported, just like no-one is bothering whether or not the people on the No-Fly List should be on that list. And like the No-Fly List, there will not be (as I noted in @4) any effective or serious appeals process. A McCarthy era-like declaration of the “crime” of being listed as a “Muslim”, and you are either shot, deported, or harassed until you emigrate. And, of course, banned (via the No-Fly List, perhaps?).
Whether or not the “real Muslim” list will be secret like the No-Fly List is not entirely clear, albeit I presume it will be; and if so, it will also be, like the No-Fly List, impossible to determine with any clarity whether not you are on it. However, it will almost certainly be possible to bribe such that you’re either taken off it, or else “protected”.
Holy shitballs….I hadn’t put all that together!
From The Authoritarians: