When Marco Rubio cited the deadly attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando as a reason he was changing his mind and running for re-election to the U.S. Senate, many LGBT allies immediately noted that the Florida senator and failed presidential candidate has never been an ally of the LGBT community.
“To be using the tragedy in Orlando as a time to reflect on his Senate career, when his career and his promises on the campaign trail have been anti-LGBTQ consistently, it’s just staggering to think he would be using this moment for his own personal ambitions,” said Jay Brown of the Human Rights Campaign at the time.
It comes as no surprise, then, to see that Rubio is slated to address an event in Orlando next month that will feature some of the country’s most vehement anti-LGBT activists.
The Orlando-based Liberty Counsel Action, an extreme anti-LGBTgroup whose affiliate is famous for representing Kentucky clerk Kim Davis in her stand against the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision, announced in an email today that the Florida Renewal Project will be hosting an event called “Rediscovering God in America” in August. The event will be headlined by Rubio, who will speak alongside anti-LGBT activists David Barton, Bill Federer, Ken Graves and Mat Staver.
The event will put Rubio in the company of some of the most extreme anti-gay activists in the country:
- David Lane, whose organization is hosting the event, believes that gay rights will lead to the “utter destruction” of the U.S. and “car bombs in Los Angeles, Washington D.C. and Des Moines, Iowa.” (Learn more about David Lane here).
- Mat Staver, whose Liberty Counsel Action sent out the invitation to the event and who is scheduled to speak, has gained a national reputation by representing Davis and Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore through the affiliated Liberty Counsel. Last month, Staver denounced memorial gatherings for the victims of the Orlando nightclub attack as “homosexual love fests.” Staver has claimed that gay people are “demonic,” seek to abuse children and are similar to terrorists, and has warned that gay rights victories could lead to “forced homosexuality” and “another civil war.” At the same time, he has praised countries that outlaw same-sex relationships. (Learn more about Mat Staver here).
- David Barton, a Republican Party activist who styles himself as a historian, thinks that God is justly preventing a cure for HIV/AIDS because it is a divine “penalty” for homosexuality, and has lamented that public schools try to “force” students “to be homosexual” when homosexuality really should be regulated by the government. (Learn more about David Barton here).
- Maine pastor Ken Graves preaches against “militant homofascism” that he says “seeks to take over our land and make it Sodom” and argues that gay people cannot build happy families because they are “depressed.”
- Bill Federer, a Religious Right activist and conspiracy theorist, believes that gay rights are bringingabout the Islamist takeover of America.
Via Right Wing Watch.
Oh, um, right. Yes, of course that excuses the crocodile tears and back to the urgent business of disappearing all the queer.
On a more serious note, the amount of gall these assclowns have, to hold this, this wannabe pogrom in Orlando is unfuckingbelievable.
These homophobic arsehats really do have no shame whatsoever do they? Holding rally -- that would be a rally for outright LGBTQ genocide if only the organizers were a bit more honest about their repugnant motivations -- in the very city where the worst act of homophobic violence in recent history has only just occurred is beyond disgusting.
No, they don’t. They are so convinced of their own righteousness, they are absolutely blind to anything else. That said, it’s no secret that most of these people took a savage joy in the Orlando massacre, and many of them said as much, and some of them continue to say it.
Mainly because he will advocate for use of car bombs against the LGBTQ community. He would also advocate for the “utter destruction” of the US before he would willingly grant equal rights to the LGBTQ community.
Bigoted assholes the lot of them.
The dems really need to hammer him for his support of such hate-fests. They may motivate his base, but should be unpopular enough with the majority to hurt Rubio. There will be plenty of choice quotes from the event to associate him with. Push him hard to support or reject those positions. His equivocation will hurt him with his base as well as with the general public.
It kind of makes me happy to think how Trump utterly shattered that little creep.
… Until you remember it was Trump who shattered him. :/ Is this how mixed feelings work?
Caine @ 5;
I feel sullied and contaminated merely to be of the same species as these bigots and their unbelievably evil LGBTQ genocide agenda. It also makes my blood boil in a whole other way, since these extremist abominations would claim that they are doing it all for straight people, and it sickens me to my core that this nightmare is being promoted in my name and the name of other people like me. No straight person who strives to actually be something other than pure evil has anything but contempt for these arseholes.
I am going to have to look at the pretty astronomy pictures for a while, until my sense of disgust for the corruption within humanity begins to abate.