I am not worthy. That guy does a mile in freezing Ocean water. I can only swim a few minutes in Baltic brackish water.
More than me! :)
Ice Swimmersays
We’re talking about low few (I’ve never timed my dips). However, I’m not doing it as a sport, the thing itself gives such an extreme sensation.
One thing with the Baltic Sea is that no sharks live there, neither do murenas, Portuguese men’O’war nor barracudas. So you won’t get bitten.
The 15 degrees we sometimes get in mid-July are quite enough for me, cold-wise. :)
As for not getting bit, definitely a bonus -- plus the possibility of amber. Win-win!
Cue theme for Paws.
I knew someone here would come up with the perfect tag line!
Under the susans roams the cat.
Between the stems it lurks and creeps.
Ready to pounce at any time.
The tail up, stepping with soft paws.
On the hunt is the tabby shark,
mackerel tabby shark.
To this melody
With apologies to Onni Gideon, Reijo Helismaa and the people of Hawaii.
It seems my comment went into moderation. Retry:
Between the stems it lurks and creeps.
Ready to pounce at any time.
The tail up, stepping with soft paws.
On the hunt is the tabby shark,
mackerel tabby shark.
To this melody
With apologies to O. Gideon, R. Helismaa and the people of Hawaii.
By the way, Ice Swimmer, thought of you! :D
rq @ 5
I am not worthy. That guy does a mile in freezing Ocean water. I can only swim a few minutes in Baltic brackish water.
More than me! :)
We’re talking about low few (I’ve never timed my dips). However, I’m not doing it as a sport, the thing itself gives such an extreme sensation.
One thing with the Baltic Sea is that no sharks live there, neither do murenas, Portuguese men’O’war nor barracudas. So you won’t get bitten.
The 15 degrees we sometimes get in mid-July are quite enough for me, cold-wise. :)
As for not getting bit, definitely a bonus -- plus the possibility of amber. Win-win!