Griswold Vigils to Be Hosted Around the State!
Every year pro-lifers throughout Wisconsin mark the anniversary of the June 7, 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut U.S. Supreme Court decision with prayer vigils at local birth control centers. The landmark Griswold decision paved the way for abortion on demand in America by legalizing contraception and defining the so-called “right to privacy” upon which the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was based.[…]
In an email to members yesterday, the anti-abortion group Pro-Life Wisconsin announced the latest round of its annual “prayer vigils at local birth control centers” marking the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Griswold v. Connecticut, which struck down laws banning married women from accessing birth control.
Pro-Life Wisconsin, which advocates for a fetal “personhood” amendment in the state that would ban abortion with no exceptions, boasts that in contrast to the state’s National Right to Life Committee affiliate, it “opposes all forms of artificial birth control.”
I cannot express the depth of my disgust for these people, and those with similar views. It’s not enough to try and remove every person’s right to bodily autonomy, no. You want to make sure that people are slaves to their reproductive systems. Nosiness isn’t a virtue, and these people take it to despicable lengths. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how my personal reproductive choices could possibly matter to people I don’t know, and will never know. What kind of an evil person do you have to be, to take enjoyment and satisfaction from the thought that you might be able to shut down bodily autonomy rights? You folks are a fucktonne nastier than the bloodthirsty, psychopathic god you worship, who, by the way, didn’t really have a problem with abortion.
While looking at their announcement for vigils mourning contraception, I noticed an ad for a coffee company, Lifeboat Coffee, where there’s a donation to your favourite group of evil, anti-life assholes every time you purchase coffee.
1. All human life is sacred, beautiful and deserving of protection from natural conception to natural death. No exceptions & no compromise.
2. Our coffees must be ethically sourced, sustainable and of superior quality and taste.
3. We’ll give 10% of every purchase back to YOUR favorite life-affirming charity.
Our founder and President, John Lillis, (known affectionately as: The Skipper), is married and he and his wife have been blessed with seven children. He is, in fact, a proto-survivor of America’s abortion-holocaust, being born and abandoned (left for adoption), in San Francisco at the end of August of 1967, some five-months after the California legislature passed the Therapeutic Abortion Act! This is personal.
Personal. Right. I’d dearly like to to make Mind Your Own Fucking Business a commandment. One of the items you can purchase from the anti-life coffee store is an incredibly tacky little doll, fully kitsched out, so you can spiritually adopt an unborn child. Yep.
This is a great opportunity to Spiritually Adopt an unborn child who is at-risk for abortion! Along with your gorgeous ornament, you’ll receive an Adoption Certificate where you can Name and Pray for this little-one! What an experience! Add to that this hand-designed ornament is made by legendary doll maker Yolonda Bello and is featured here exclusively! This pro-life ornament stands 8″ tall and is wrapped with a vine over a brass stand with the baby swaddled in cotton inside the glass ornament! Proudly display your Spiritual Adoption Certificate and it makes a great conversation piece!
Yes, what an experience! What. The. Fuck.
The certificate of adoption reads: On this day______, I___________ do spiritually adopt and name this child___________ I will pray and intercede for this child. And I will be ever mindful of how great a gift life is and how precious this child.
Well. That should take care of the problem of all those medical decisions being made (that are none of your business), right? After all, your god is mighty and all that stuff, so you get everyone to buy adopt a dolly, and pray. Everything is settled!
Via Right Wing Watch.
Excuse me???!!
I… Makes a great conversation piece. I’d be horrified.
I’m not big on coffee with a conscience, but I do like spiritual coffee (just add spirits of choice!).
Also, anyone affectionately known as ‘The Skipper’ (and who sees the need to have that publicly broadcasted) should be avoided. For me, it’s the paternalistic, avuncular attempt at being too familiar, too early, that grates the nerves into something resembling fine parmesan. Not nearly as tasty, though.
rq, agreed on all points.
Also, I ended up very surprised by the amount of Christians still very, very upset about Griswold, which granted access to contraception to married and single women. Apparently, it’s thought that was the beginning of the end for this great, Christian country.
What’s freaky is that many of them are women, too.
Most of them are women. While the big pro-life orgs initially started, they were started by men, but the majority of those who joined up? Women. Still that way. Slut shaming wouldn’t be a thing at all, if wasn’t mostly perpetrated by women.
I propose the following with respect to “adopting” an “at risk” fetus: You adopt it, you take responsibility. And by “responsibility”, I mean that whatever happens to the mother, happens to you. If she has morning sickness, you have to take an emesis causing medication to simulate the experience. If she is on bed res, you’re on bed rest. If she gets gestational diabetes, you get fed steroids until you have diabetes too. She dies, you die. How many brave “pro-life” people would adopt fetuses if that were required?
Also, I note that the “pro-life” Republican politicians in Congress are refusing to fund zika research. You know, something that could actually save the lives and brains of fetuses? They’re not even pretending any more.
Coffee with conscience? I’d prefer coffee that wants to be drunk, but non-sentient coffee is the best.
The anti-choicers want all human life to be sacred and controlled by the religious leaders, employers and slave-owners.
Dianne @ 6:
Yep. I posted about that in May. Assholes. They were doing it to spite the president. Nice to know they are all grown up and stuff.
Ice Swimmer @ 7:
Okay, that made my tea almost choke me.
I confess, when I read that particular article, I was at first confused at the conflation of all human life and coffee with a conscience. Is coffee now human? What? Took me a moment. Then again, it’s getting on towards the end of the workday; I blame the robots.
Are you sure your tea isn’t sentient and with a conscience (or just a lot of emotions)? They may be targeting the wrong beverage.
No. So I’m not asking.
rq @ 1. Even Jonas Grumby?
I can’t decide on my favorite life-affirming charity; Planned Parenthood and Preterm are very high on the list, but Battered Women’s Shelter and Rape Crisis center are also strong contenders.
Sentient coffee likes to be drunk — similar to the Dish of the Day at Milliways (but less chatty) — and the more enthusiastic cups, of, leap out of the cup into your mouth. This is a problem if your mouth isn’t open, and usually still is a problem if is open, since typically your talking, eating, sipping the vin, or vomiting. And it can be quite dangerous if you are a mouth-breather.
Efforts to train the coffee not to jump into the mouth have, by and large, not been successful. The coffee may be sentient, and very tasty, but it is also quite stupid. With poor manners.
Giving the coffe a good WHACK! first, so as to stun it, doesn’t help. See stupid(above): It often takes that as a signal it should jump now. And, of course, WHACKING! a cup of hot coffee is, well, also stupid. And dripping wet.
However, there is a simple solution. Get the coffee drunk. This has already been mentioned, sprites in coffee solve numerous issues (at least for a time), including the coffee itself.
Sentient tea is a whole different beastie, rarely found on Earth. It had enough sense to leave.
I like how I can tell a comment is from blf without looking at their username, because the content sounds like it was written during an acid trip.
I say this with the utmost affection for the mildly deranged penguin. <3
I laughed out loud at that! Thanks!! I think…
The spider who seems to have taken up residence at the back of my screen has just peeked over the top. Fortunately, it doesn’t have its bongo drums with it, so the mildly deranged penguin probably won’t be digging out her alpine horn for an impromptu concert of jazz-reggae fusion lullabies.
Aaaaw, you have your very own guardian spider. That’s nice. Don’t let the mildly deranged Penguin eat her.
@13 I was wondering how long it would take for someone to make a 3-hour-tour reference. Kudos for obscurity.
… Abandoned? Adoption is abandonment? That’s a real stretch. I’m adopted. I even have some pretty big, unresolvable issues with my adoptive parents but I’ve never considered my birth parents to have abandoned me. I’ll never know who they are but my birth mother at least got me into the adoption system. And having been born after Roe v. Wade I know she would have had a choice about carrying me to term.
But if adoption is abandoment that says odd things about their doll sales. I guess if you want to buy a fake kid with fake issues that you’re going to fake taking care of by praying at it, then I guess I don’t really mind if you fake abandon it too.
lanir @ 20:
Well said. The “abandoned (left for adoption)” left me somewhat stunned. It’s beyond arrogant to not only characterize adoption as abandonment, but to then call himself a proto-survivor of abortion. From my perspective, he has things to be grateful for, rather than being resentful over the fact he really has nothing to complain about.
I’m on BC for PCOS, PCOS that led to cramps that nearly got me fired. Are they going to pray for all the babies I didn’t have and wouldn’t have had anyway, because I’ve never had sex? Seriously, I know the best and truly only reason for the legality of BC and abortion is bodily autonomy, but the for those of us with conditions like this, it’s an extra hearty fuck you.
Watry @ 22:
Absolutely. I know several people who simply wouldn’t be able to work, and would have a serious drop in quality of life without BC for controlling PCOS. I had one tiny sample of what that condition was like when I developed an idiopathic ovarian cyst. A big one. Holy fuck, the pain…it was beyond description. I’d fight tooth and nail if anyone was trying to take away effective meds for that. It’s an important thing to remember in the fight to retain affordable contraception access, especially because people who need it for non-contraceptive reasons don’t even figure into anti-lifer’s views.
Considering I have no idea who that is, and had to look it up on google, and found out who that is, yes.
Yes, and there do seem to be fewer bugs — of the flying, creeping, and crawling kind — in the computer now. Now if we can convince some of his(? her?) relatives to take up residence upstairs and chomp chomp on the bugs that occansionally wake me up by landing on my face or buzzing near (or in one rather startling case, in) my ear.
The mildly deranged penguin has never heard of cheese-flavoured spider, albeit she has inhaled the spider the few times. (Accident with the alpine horn.) A quick exhale — quite a powerful one as well, the Alpenhorn actually straightens out — and the spider goes shooting back out. The spider seems to enjoy it, you can hear a faint “wheeeeeeeee!” as it flies across the room.
Oh, ick. That’s one bug thing that really, um, bugs me. That’s even worse than bug up the nose.
Well, then there was the time a bee got caught between my eyeglasses and eyeball whilst I was bicycling. At speed. I still get the shudders over than one.
(Nothing happened in the end, except I lost my eyeglasses-mounted rearview mirror — I ripped off my eyeglasses so fast, whilst still moving, it detached from the frame and went flying off. Into orbit, I presume. The bee, as far as I know, calmly flew away. And thinking about it now, I have no idea how the feck I managed to bring the bicycle to a controlled stop or how I avoided dropping my eyeglasses.)
Oh fuck. A bee got between my glasses and eyeball once, while walking. Like you, the glasses went flying. I can remember that like yesterday. That bee wouldn’t leave me alone for around 20 minutes, either. Rick kept waving it off, and bzzzzzzzzzzzz, right back to me.
Trivial correction: I never dropped or lost the eyeglasses. What went flying (besides the bee) was a tiny mirror, which mounted on one of the earpieces (near the hinge) by friction, and extended out in front a few centimetres, similar in concept to this.
“All human life is sacred, beautiful and deserving of protection from natural conception to natural death. No exceptions & no compromise.”
So, they’ll be staunchly opposing the death penalty, all military engagement, ANY lethal action including those in self-defense, and any life-support measure for a braindead person? Just checking, you know.
This would also imply that the lives of people conceived in vitro -- and possibly those conceived through artificial insemination -- are not sacred. Take that, Snowflake Babies!