When the Obama administration told every public school in the country that students who identify as transgender can use whichever restroom and locker room they want, parents and school administrators gasped. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said the decree would be “the beginning of the end of public school system,” while a school superintendent said the directive was going “straight to the paper shredder.”
Beyond rejecting the Constitution, Obama is also challenging God’s authority, Anthony argued.
“I think he is bullying God,” Anthony said. “He is forcing his redefinition of sexuality on everybody, regardless of their religious beliefs.”
The president, Anthony continued, is “acting like a theologian while being a politician.” So, as a pastor, Anthony has every right to speak about this situation because Obama has “forayed into his territory.”
Silence from Christians, he said, is not going to cut it.
Full Story Here. So, a federal guideline is bullying ‘God’ (there’s that effing placeholder again. Be specific, name your god please). Does that mean that this so-called redefinition of sexuality is being forced on ‘God’, too? How is it possible for this most amazing, super-powered ‘God’ to be bullied? Either your ‘god’ is great, or seriously weak. Looks like the latter in this case. I wonder if it ever occurs to people like Anthony that their belief is seriously weak, too, as they are convinced they must fight their God’s battles. I don’t see how you can truly believe a god exists if you must leap to a vicious defense, and declare your ‘god’ to be bullied into submission.
That Obama, he’s one powerful black guy!
No kidding. Pretty big accomplishment, bullying god.
Can anyone explain, why the bathroom choice of transgender people (even if one would think, that they are confused) is a theological question?
Well, I’m no theologian (or politician), but I think, in their minds, this comes down to legislating morality against ‘God’, who declared binary genders, and all this queer stuff, no, that’s not right.
Looks like the Epicurean Paradox needs an update.
Obama is acting like a theologian and not a politician by… ignoring what some small minded people say their deity wants and acting on behalf of secular law to uphold the rights of citizens. But he’d be a real politician if he did what they say their deity wants him to do on behalf of that deity, because the job of politicians (and not theologians) is to unquestioningly enforce religious edicts?
It’s frightening how easily Newspeak seems to come to some people.
Clearly, Hussein is bullying Allah. He’s not xian. Or ‘merkin. And uppity.
I’ll confess, I don’t have a spot on my bigot bingo for this.
Page 8331, lower righthand corner. At least in yesterday’s edition. Today’s edition hasn’t show up yet…
When a paid state official is directly ignoring a clear presidential order it’s nothing short of treason. As always the Christi-fascists are showing themselves to be the true traitors.
I wish the right-wing noise machine would figure out which story it want to go with. Either Obama is an ineffectual fop totally incapable of accomplishing anything, or he is winning a pissing match against an all-knowing and all-powerful supernatural entity. They can’t have it both ways.
lorn #11
Of course they can! As Orwell noted:
Believing in two contradicting things simultaneously has always been necessary to being a true bigot. The Romans believed that they’re both the strongest nation in the world and that they could be completely undone by even the smallest threat. Natives need to be cleansed for the greater good and they’re simultaneously better off under the invader’s yoke. This line of thought, like many other tools of propaganda, was perfected by the Nazis who maintained that Jews were both wealthy capitalists who exploit the workers and communists, weaklings and world-puppeteers.
The Nazi version was so powerful that you could substitute liberals, gays, trans* or pretty much any other group instead of Jews and you’ll still get a correct picture of the modern right’s views on that group.
Who knew that the list of mental stumbling blocks would be so utile. Without a working understanding of cognitive dissonance, Dunning-Kruger, approach/avoidance, subject/object confusion … the news and recent developments would be incomprehensible.
It dawns on me that as humans have taken over and it has become ever more about us, as opposed to, say, finding food and avoiding getting eaten, we trip over mistakes of others but are almost completely stymied by our own internal inconsistencies.
On top of that confusion overlay a whole lot of bloviating, pontificating, and, frankly, manipulating media folk and it is a wonder that any of us can keep things organized.