Rachel Maddow exposes the origin of the Uncle Sam between-your-legs ad

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The ALEC ultrasound guy cooked that up, wow! It’s way more hypocritical than I imagined. And speaking of MSNBC, on the Ed Show right now they’re calling out conservatives posing as Christians to cloak their obsession with helping the rich and punishing the poor. I’ll have that clip up when it gets posted.

Cruz control is good for everyone, and that’s why it’s good for us


Thanks guys and gals, I’m now 20% to salvation on the first day!

Conmen are protective of their marks, in the sense that they don’t want other grifters horning in on their con. Especially conmen who are so greedy that they risk blowing the deal for all conmen. That’s the gist of the fight now in progress between Ted Cruz representing the Teaparty vs the larger GOP: [Read more…]

Look who’s asking for a Big Gubmint handout now


It turns out I’m not the only one asking for money this week. Remember Super Storm Sandy? Which wasn’t a super storm so much as a typical strength hurricane that happened to hit the densest population center in the US, including a bunch of well to do beach fronts. Back then, a number of conservative lawmakers, teabaggers to the core or afraid of same, voted against relief for that disaster. Courtesy of a link posted in comments, you already know what’s coming next, don’t you? [Read more…]

More legal graft for the private prison industry


I’m already 10% of where I need be to, thanks to several readers. Many thanks guys!

See the Paypal logo above? It’s dire or I wouldn’t ask. Now onto the main course: Sci-fi writer Larry Niven worried about organ banks supplied by convicts, the organ banks were always empty and could extend lives for 200 years, so in no time everything under the sun was a capital crime that got you sent to the organ banks for dis-assembly. Instead what we have are private prisons that profit off of crime and arrest, the more crime and the arrest the better, for them, not us. They would be a bad idea even if the owners didn’t lobby/bribe politicians to make everything under the sun worthy of being locked up or just fabricating charges to generate revenue. For one thing, prison guard is a tough job, but it used to be a viable career. Nowadays, in many private prisons, it barely pays above minimum wage and can be sub-contracted out so the guards are temps with no benefits.

But here’s a good example of another dark path private prisons lead us down even as law abiding taxpayers: [Read more…]

In which Republican Jesus takes food from the mouths of children


It’s unfortunate the Teaparty has ramrodded a cut to SNAP through, as if those of us who are struggling needed to be further shamed and punished for the excesses of Wall Street. But cut it they did and that sucks because I might have been near qualifying. In fact I have to cover some bills by the end of this month and it’s gonna be tight. If anyone can spare five or ten bucks to help out, the Paypal donation link is above, my account is at DarkSydoTheMoon at the domain AOL and then the ole dot-com (Trying not to get spammed mercilessly by hungry bots).

No doubt the usual suspects would be high-fiving one another, near ecstatic, knowing they may hurt an atheist blogger, but here’s the sad state of conservative concern for people even poorer, more religious, and less influential than I am: [Read more…]

Uncle Sam says ‘Spread Your Legs!’


That’s not a bad political ad. It’s dishonest as hell, the people who really seem to dream about getting their version of government all up in your vaginas are the social conservatives. So I wish the Pro-choice folks had used something like that. But it makes a deeper point that I actually agree with: if you don’t want medical care, you probably shouldn’t worry much about health insurance. Policies offered under Obamacare do have to offer basic preventative care and that includes the option for physical exams of all kinds. Of course you can have the health insurance, for things like car wrecks or lightning strikes, without having to take advantage of the preventative care offered, if that’s what you want. It’s hard to see how that would be getting your money’s worth, but it’s your call.

The idea of scaring young people into not signing up also puts the Teaparty squarely opposed to the big insurance biz. Now make no mistake, enough young people will sign up that it will do fine, the rest comes out of the insurance company’s bottom line, and if they decide there’s no market there and pull out, we default to universal healthcare in most states and more will join suit over time. I’m all for the universal default and could care less about insurance company bottom lines — of course, insurance companies might want to think twice about funding a candidate that wants them to take a bath in the process of locking them out of the biggest windfall since the bailouts.

In which the Pope is absolutely godamn right

Pope Francis

Poe Francis (Latin: Franciscus) born Jorge Mario Bergoglio; (born 17 December 1936) is the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, a position also holding the roles of Sovereign of Vatican City and the Bishop of Rome. Click image for bio at the Wiki

Throughout history there have been Popes good and bad. We’ve had Popes who personally facilitated the most worst vanities and genocidal tendencies or Princes and dictators, and there have been Popes who more closely hew to the words of peace and mercy spoken by the man they worship as a God. The present Pope may be one of the latter: [Read more…]

Government shutdown 101

When you hear about interests rates, it’s usually an announcement that they’ve been raised, lowered, or left unchanged. What many laypeople fully understand is it’s not the interest rate on a T-note that changes, it’s the price of the bond itself. The interest rate, what stock-jocks call the coupon, is fixed. What determines the interest rate is what people are willing to pay for that bond. A bond is simply a loan, and the big factors on a loan is how safe is it, when do you get the principal back, and what rate does it pay? The less safe the lower the price people are willing to pay and, since the coupon/interest rate is fixed, the more interest it yields. Obviously, if the loan is going to miss an interest rate or if the agency issuing it is about to default, it’s less safe.

US bonds are considered among the safest investments in the world, people are willing to pay top dollar for a safe investment, but if that changes significantly it crashes the bond market. A crashing bond market crashes pretty much everything else, even currency stashed in a matress might cease to have value. Which is why the Wall Street Journal is telling Teaparty Republicans to STFU about defunding the government: [Read more…]

Happy secular Constitution Day


An atheist org has bought hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of ads in papers across the nation celebrating the secular nature of the US Constitution. The ads, sponsored by the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), pointed out our founding document is free of references to a deity despite what many political leaders like to say: [Read more…]