White House to alien conspiracy theorists: there are no hidden aliens

Foolish humans! Responding a petition from UFO nuts, the White House as issued a statement that there are no aliens, as far as they know, in Area 51 or anywhere else:

In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye. However, that doesn’t mean the subject of life outside our planet isn’t being discussed or explored.”

Not that that will end the claims of hidden aliens meddling in our race or governmental affairs. … I mean what else would a government compromised by Grays say?

Personhood up for vote tomorrow

In search of jobs, residents of the Great State of Mississippi will go to the polls tomorrow and vote on … personhood! Unfortunately, the writers of the amendment decided to unilaterally redefine the medical definition of conception in a way which will turn thousands of women, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists into child killers. But maybe we’ve been going about this all wrong — by we I mean me and by all wrong I mean trying to argue science and reason with knuckle-dragging Bible thumpers who think Genesis is a science text. [Read more…]

Wanna turn your brown eyes blue?

A new procedure being developed by a doctor in California may turn your brown eyes blue, literally, for $5,000:

Dr. Homer tells KTLA that all brown-eyed people have blue pigment in their irises too — and a quick session under a specially-tuned laser can destroy the melanin in the eye, with the change occurring gradually over two weeks. The procedure can not change blue eyes to brown.

It’s still being tested. And other doctors are skeptical, pointing out the procedure could have unintended consequences and pose risk to vision. Whatareyakiddingme? If this thing works half as well as Doc Homer hopes, he’s gonna become a multimillionaire.

Wanna take a ride into space?

XCOR was founded in 1999 and has grown from those four original founders, working out of a tiny hangar, to a team of two dozen highly skilled and talented employees housed in a 10,000 square foot hangar in Mojave, California. The employees of XCOR don’t just dream of affordable spaceflight, they are rapidly making it a reality. I had a chance this week to visit with one of them, company CEO Jeff Greason. [Read more…]