How to win elections: asymmetrical class warfare

It’s not hard to win elections, you do that by doing one thing: vote. Every vote you cast costs the billionaire boyz money. Every vote you cast tanks their investments. Voting is asymmetrical class warfare. Ohio and Mississippi proved that again last night. If you don’t vote, your feelings literally do not count.

I’m sure I’ll write more on this and include with useful websites by state, but for now if you’ve moved, are just reaching voting age, are deployed overseas, if you currently lack ID, check with your local state office and Rock the Vote. [Read more…]

Mississippi’s Personhood Results — WIN!

Do you believe in miracles? Well obviously not, but this is an unexpected triumph!

MS – INITIATIVE 26 asks voters: “Should the term ‘person’ be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the equivalent thereof?”

Update: Personhood, this race is called! With half the precincts in, good guys lead … No 58%, to Yes 42%, up by over 50,000 votes out of about 344,000. [Read more…]

Election Results

Latest updates reposted below the fold courtesy of Daily Kos Elections and David Nir

Update: AP is calling Ohio issue 2 for the good guys!

Update: At last count Ohio good guys are crushing the Darth Vaders of the state 63% to 37%, it’s not a done deal on the union busting bill with 80% reporting only 19% reporting. I’ll have results on Mississippi’s personhood bill shortly — DS [Read more…]

The Cainwreck continues: weird answer on lie detector test

Herman Cain is famous for contradicting himself in one or two sentences. Such as saying he believes a women or family should make the decision about abortion — and it should not be legal. His response to a question about whether or not he would take a lie detector test was another one of those strange, vague statements, or as they’re rapidly getting to be known, Cainisms: [Read more…]

Cain vows to set everthing straight with press conference today

Update: check out this creepy and very unclassy detail now being reported:

She said she didn’t witness any “inappropriate sexual behavior” at the group dinner. But she claimed he asked the waiter for two $400 bottles of wine, and then stiffed the rest of the group when it came time to pay.

Reeling under allegations of sexual misconduct, and with calls to respond more credibly now popping up on the conservative side of the aisle, Herman Cain vowed to set the record straight, scheduling a presser for this afternoon and it’s sure to be entertaining: [Read more…]

Asteroid gazing on the web

Path for 2005 YU55, times shown are Greenwich Mean Time. Subtract 6 hours to get Central Time in the US

When YU55 rolls past closest approach to earth this evening, a comfortable 200,000 miles away thank goodness, you won’t be able to see it with your unaided eye or even a small telescope. It would take a decent sized amateur scope just to see the little starlike point moving from west to east toward the constellation Pegasus in the hours before and after 6:28 PM EDT. But NASA has set up two websites that will have excellent viewing! [Read more…]

Clash of the cultures today in Ohio and Mississippi

Two important votes in two very different states will test culture warriors and common sense today. Ohio voters go to the polls to vote on a recall of a recent bill pushed through by GOP Governor John Kasich restricting public employee unions — because nothing says constitutional liberty and small government like making it illegal for citizens to assemble and petition the government. Thankfully, polling is trending against this measure, but it’s not over til its over. The other vote in Mississippi will determine if blastocysts are people, polling there shows it coming down to the wire: [Read more…]