Second Iraq War veteran in hospital after beating by Oakland police

A second protestors has been seriously injured by police in Occupay Oakland, this one also a veteran:

Kayvan Sabehgi, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, is in intensive care with a lacerated spleen. He says he was beaten by police close to the Occupy Oakland camp, but despite suffering agonising pain, did not reach hospital until 18 hours later.

The spleen is a vascular organ, it bleeds profusely when damaged. People die every day from that exact injury. Sabehgi survived 18 hours with no treatment in a jail cell before officers took his condition seriously. At last report he was being prepped for surgery.

THIS guy is sitting as a judge on child abuse cases?

If you haven’t seen the sickening video of Judge William Adams beating the living shit out of his disabled daughter, I’ve placed it below the fold. Fair warning, it will make you ill. What’s incomprehensible isn’t just that this nut is a sitting state Judge who has presided over child abuse cases. What’s amazing is the Texas DA whining that the sick perp can’t be prosecuted because the statute of limitations has passed for 16 year-olds. According to a legal expert on MSNBC, the statute has not passed for younger children, and the victim and her mother have both stated this was a pervasive pattern of violence that went on for years before and after 2004 when the video was shot. If so, how could a DA not know that and why aren’t they investigating it right now? [Read more…]

Video of raging hot pulsar on pulsar action

If you’re a wonder junkie like me, and not reading Ethan Siegal’s blog, Starts with a Bang!, you’re missing out. This post on why cosmologists think our universe is part of a multiverse is one of the best I’ve ever read. And it was from another of his superb pieces that I swiped the video below the jump showing a binary neutron star system decaying via gravity waves and merging into a single hot, throbbing mass. [Read more…]

There are a lot of great cops in this nation, and they’re in the 99%

We hear so often about the antics and corruption infecting some police officers and precincts. So here is an anecdotal story about one cop who grasps the notion of the Bill of Rights. A Daily Kos diarist writes that s/he spent their lunch hour handing out flyers dissing bankstas and bailouts on the public sidewalk in front of a branch of BofA. The manager inside didn’t take too kindly that and called the cops. After hearing what was going on, here’s what our diarist says the cop told the bank manager: [Read more…]