The flower duet

A few hundred years ago a new fad was sweeping through the ranks of European privilege. It was a substance refined from an enigmatic plant brought back from the New World. While it was hailed as a ‘miracle’ by some, more recent experience has shown that it can produce erratic behavior, serious weight fluctuations, and systemic organ failure. Even first time users can fall victim. But it’s not all bad! On my very first date with Mrs. DS, at the close of the go-go nineties, she and I both indulged. Soon the mysterious extract worked its neurotransmitter magic, we gazed into each other’s now fluttering, blazing eyes, and fell madly in love. [Read more…]

NASA Mars program facing steep budget cuts

CRIRES model-based computer-generated impression of the Plutonian surface, with atmospheric haze, and Charon and the Sun in the sky.

The official budget won’t be released until Monday, but word is NASA’s unmanned program will see big cuts and Mars missions will take the brunt of them. Sadly, when it comes to our budget priorities as of late, we are one screwed-up country: [Read more…]

White House announces compromise on contraception

Update 11:20 AM CDT: The President is speaking now, saying a compromise has been worked out where the insured will have access to contraception by going straight to the health insurance companies without putting their employers in the loop. If so that sounds to me like a perfectly reaosnable solution which addresses the concerns of everyone. Which is to say the right will hate it and some on the left are hastily writing about the Caver in Chief. Note: headline above slightly altered.

(USA Today) — “Under the rule, women will still have access to free preventive care that includes contraceptive service no matter where they work,” Obama said. “That core principle remains. [Read more…]

Saudi fundies clamor to kill one of their own for tweeting blasphemy

A young journalist fled his home nation for his life after seemingly moderate tweets about the prophet Mohammed infuriated his country men. He was detained in Malaysia and is said to be awaiting extradition to the fundamentalist shit-hole kingdom also known as Saudi Arabia on the charge of religious blasphemy. If found guilty he could be sentenced to death. What kind of awful things could he have posted? [Read more…]