Serious political question for atheists

What do you rational guys and gals think about political contributions on blog sites? There are advantages and disadvantages obviously. For one thing I don’t ever want readers feeling like they’re just a piggy bank. And it could backfire; opponents of candidates we support might use that support as political ammo against the recipients for taking godless money. There are other concerns as well.

The upside: the reality is I don’t believe we will ever be heard above the din, much less see our political desires even remotely considered, if we individually kick in ten or twenty bucks onto an anonymous webpage. But when I’ve delivered just a few hundred dollars raised from a mere couple of dozen people, that campaign took notice.

The priceline negotiator narrates Curiosity on Mars


The older William Shatner gets the more I like him. Kirk was cool and all, but it’s Shatner’s unique combo of gifted actor, great voice, and a guy who can laugh at himself plus get you to laugh along that sold me.  Cosmic Log posted a great video, now below the fold, where Shatner and other Trekkie actors marvel at the MSL and the rover scheduled to land precariously this weekend. Enjoy. [Read more…]

The great anatomically modern human leap

There is a debate in paleoanthropology, well, there are lots of them. But this one has to do with behavior that doesn’t fossilize well, and which suggest the presence or lack of modern cognition. The ancestors of the San, pictured above, are a great source of data for that question. A new find pushes back the date when San Bushmen behaved like any other modern people right down to symbology and sophisticated subsistence strategies: [Read more…]

Romney praises Israeli healthcare

Mitt Romney hoped to recover from his London disaster by heading for the salvation of ye olde Israel. Where he paused in the midst of stirring up simmering conflicts to praise Israeli healthcare. Romney said in part, “Do you realize what health care spending is as a percentage of the G.D.P. in Israel? Eight percent. .. You spend eight percent of G.D.P. on health care. You’re a pretty healthy nation. We spend 18 percent of our G.D.P. on health care, 10 percentage points more.” Gosh, how do the Israelis pull this healthcare miracle off? [Read more…]