George Carlin on how our system really works

I found this clip from back in 2009 where the late comedian talked to Tavis Smiley about how the country really works. He points out that by limiting the number of actual choices that people have about the major things that affect their lives, they can be more easily controlled. And they are aided in this by the collusion of the media, the politicians, and the legal system.
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Is it now open season on hospitals?

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is reporting that another one of their hospitals has been bombed. This time it is in Yemen where Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition of states that is seeking to restore the government that was toppled by rebels. This follows the bombing of an MSF hospital in Afghanistan by the US and the bombing of a Syrian hospital by the Russians.
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Criminalizing criticisms of Israel

Assaf Gavron, a former member of the Israeli Defense Forces, has written an opinion piece in the Washington Post titled Confessions of an Israeli traitor arguing that the harsh occupation by Israel of the West Bank and its brutal treatment of people there and in Gaza is destroying Israel. He said that things have changed a lot since the days when the IDF soldiers responded with merely tear gas and rubber bullets to angry teenage stone throwers. The use of violence against protestors is much harsher and more lethal now.
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How low will the next Republican debate go?

We have seen that there seems to be no depth of extremism to which the Republican party cannot and will not sink. The other question is how vacuous the Republican presidential primary debates can get and that too seems to have no limits. With the next Republican debate coming up tomorrow, no doubt knives are being sharpened in all the campaign headquarters.
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Ben Carson backpedals on ending Medicare and Medicaid

When he was questioned by Chris Wallace on Fox News about his plan to eliminate Medicare and Medicaid, Carson denies it, surprising Wallace. Carson now says that that report is completely false and that it “is a narrative being out there to scare people”. But when Wallace points out that it was on his website, Carson says that that was his old plan and it has now changed. Now he has some scheme where people supposedly have a choice between Medicare or private health savings accounts and says it won’t cost any more money.
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War criminal Tony Blair tries to get redemption

The absolutely craven and disgusting former British prime minister Tony Blair has been under fire since new reports have emerged that he strongly promised support for the Bush-Cheney gang’s plans to wage a criminal and illegal war against Iraq long before those plans even became public. Blair’s desperate desire to ingratiate himself with the US government has long been well known and he was called ‘Bush’s poodle’, though that is an insult to a proud, intelligent, and dignified breed of dog. I wonder how the British public feel about their prime minister having been so abjectly servile to US leaders.
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However extreme you get, it is never enough

The upcoming election of Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House of Representatives, rather than bringing about unity among congressional Republicans, has exposed the fault lines even more. And what it shows is that even the Freedom Caucus is not considered extreme enough by influential extremists of the party base. Recall that the Freedom Caucus was mainly the reason for John Boehner quitting the position. They gave him a hard time, despite Boehner being one of the most conservative members in Congress, for not being willing to shut down the government over every issue that has its base slavering at the mouth.
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Who would compare rape victims to slave owners?

Who would say that a rape victim claiming the right to have an abortion is analogous to a slave owner claiming the right to kill a slave?

Here’s a clue. It is the same person who says that being gay is a choice, the high school AP history curriculum will cause students to sign up for ISIS, that the US now is similar to Nazi Germany, gun control contributed to the Holocaust, Obamacare is like slavery, and that having gun control is more devastating to him than seeing a body riddled with bullets.
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Bernie Sanders to explain his stance on socialism

As with other political labels like conservative and liberal, the word socialism is also ill-defined and allows the person using it wide leeway in what it means. The fact that it is often paired with the word ‘democratic’ to create ‘social democratic’ or ‘democratic socialist’ adds to the ambiguity. In the US, the word socialist has been systematically demonized, though in other countries it is quite commonly used, especially in combination with the word democratic. For example, the official name for Sri Lanka is the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,
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