The results of the scienceblogger “hot or not” contest are up, and they’re definitely screwy. What am I doing at #4? What’s the matter with you people?
The results of the scienceblogger “hot or not” contest are up, and they’re definitely screwy. What am I doing at #4? What’s the matter with you people?
Have you ever browsed a sperm bank catalog? It’s a real meat market. You get lists of men by height, weight, profession, ethnic background, etc., and if you like that 6’1″ red-haired Lithuanian stockbroker, click, and he’s in your shopping cart. They ship direct to your doctor (residential delivery costs extra), and they even have a return policy.
Of course, if you’re anything like me, you look at the list and can’t help but think, “What a bunch of wankers.”
Still, it’s a tragedy when you learn that they’ve been wiped out in a tragic refrigerator accident. Oh, my dear Scots-Irish ski instructor with type A+ blood! Alas, poor Asian medical intern with a fondness for reading! Say it isn’t so, O+ African American lawyer and theater fan! So much potential life lost…when’s the memorial service?
P.S. There is a real tragedy here: men undergoing cancer treatments with risk of infertility also lost deposits. That part isn’t funny at all, and I imagine there is some emotional trauma involved.
Now you can play Scienceblogger Hot or Not. I don’t know whether to approve or not.
People send me things that put lust in my heart.
I want one of these.
I want some of these, too.
I need a seal like this so I can stamp all my official correspondence with it.
Clearly, there will be a future need for Space Squid Conservationists.
Now this is a headline: Man lived to 112 on sausage-and-waffles diet. In addition to living that long, I have another dream:
“All of his organs were extremely youthful. They could have been the organs of someone who was 50 or 60, not 112. Clearly his genes had some secrets,” Coles said.
“Everything in his body that we looked at was clean as a whistle, except for his lungs with the pneumonia,” Coles said. “He had no heart disease, he had no cancer, no diabetes and no Alzheimer’s.
When I’m dead, I want someone to discuss my internal organs on the internet. Photos would be even better. I don’t anticipate that they will get quite the glowing report this fellow’s did, but still, the idea that my guts could be the topic of morning breakfast conversation appeals to me.
(via Byzantium’s Shores)
Am I some kind of preeevert or something? Because when I see this turtle’s plastron, which some say has an image of the Virgin Mary, I see something completely different. When did a featureless tube with a nipple-like bump at the top acquire this peculiar association with virginity, I wonder?
What a strange story: a woman donates one of her kidneys to another woman in need. Later, the recipient leaves the Christian faith. Now the donor wants her organ back.
Smith was aghast when she heard of the conversion, and she quickly wrote a letter asking Felks to re-convert to Christianity or return the organ, saying it was donated under false pretenses.
“I feel helpless,” she says. “Part of my body, my DNA, is stuck inside a person who’s going to hell.”
There’s some freaking weird theology going on here. Does she think her DNA is going to be assumed into the afterlife? Do spirits have DNA? Do you need a kidney as an angel?
She also has some strange anxieties, since the recipient is a pagan.
Smith suffers nightmares of her former organ filtering “strange Asian teas, pig blood and witch doctor brews in Africa,” she says. She wonders if the Lord really wanted her to donate the kidney, or if she acted on a “triple-espresso high” she had that morning. She is also concerned that when her body is resurrected, it might be incomplete.
That’s tragic. The kidney is also missing the opportunity to filter the body and blood of Christ, transforming Jesus’ protein into urine. Oh, to never again deaminate the amino acids of the God of Abraham, to never again extract Jesus’ sodium ions, and to have to settle for filtering the ichor of little animist gods…what a sad fate.
I don’t know about this bodily resurrection thing. I would think that running a little lapsang souchong through the ol’ nephric ducts is small potatoes compared to being perfused with embalming fluid and later rotting into a putrid film of bacterial goo. Apparently, the Holy Ghost can reanimate that, but foreign tea is going to have It scratching It’s immaterial and invisible Head.
The theological absurdity goes on.
“I’m all for spiritual curiosity,” she says, “but you’ve got to settle these things beforehand. My kidney belongs to Christ. It will never be Pagan.
Hmm. Yes. Various organs in your body all make intellectual and emotional decisions about what religion they should follow. Personally, I’ve had my organs all committed to different and appropriate philosophies: my colon is a good disciplined Calvinist, my lungs are Breatharians, my right forefinger is an acolyte of the cult of Macintosh (*click*, praise Jobs!), and my penis is observant of some hysterically hedonistic faith which doesn’t require much in the way of intellectual expression. My brain, however, is godless.
Smith’s brain is definitely fundamentalist Christian: inert, uninformed, and irrational.
(via God is for Suckers)
P.S. Some people aren’t getting it. The article is satire, although if you do think about it, there is some weird stuff going on with this whole idea of an afterlife.
Plans for my army of zombie cephalopod-cyborgs proceed apace. First target: Holland!
Go ahead, open the dikes—nothing will stop them.
(via My Confined Space)
The BIG fair, the Minnesota state fair, is going on right now, and Karina Hill is letting people vote on exactly which repellent Midwestern grease lump on a stick she should eat. Here’s the menu:
- Fried cheese puffs
- Cajun Season Alligator Sausage on-a-stick
- Deep Fried Cheese on a stick
- Jerk pork chop drummy
- Pancake wrapped around sausage on-a-stick
- Uffda Treat
- Belgium waffle on-a-stick
- Australian Battered Potatoes
- Cheese-burger calzones on-a-stick
- Wild Rice corndogs
- Key Lime Pie on-a-stick
- Dogzilla
- Egg-roll on-a-stick
- Fried-Egg Bagel Sandwich
- Pizza on-a-stick
- Political pop
- Deep-fried twinkies
- Chicken-chops
- Frozen Coffee on-a-stick
- Deep fried cheese curds
- Tater-tot hotdish on-a-stick
- Spaghetti and Meatball on-a-stick
- Deep-fried candy bar on-a-stick
- Deep fried oreos
- Deep-fried spudsters on-a-stick
- Spicy buffalo chicken filled wonton
- Blackened Cajun steak on-a-stick
- Bug juice
- Scotch Meatball on-a-stick
- Puff-daddy on-a-stick
- Pizza burgers
- Ice-cream on-a-stick
- Fresh chocolate dipped marshmallows on-a-stick
- Wall-Eye on-a-stick
- Mac-n-cheese on-a-stick
- Batter-dipped deep-fried chocolate chip cookies on-a-stick
- Fried ravioli garlic bread
If you’re the kind of wretched humanity-hating bastard who’d inflict any of those things on this poor woman’s digestive tract, circulatory system, kidneys, and brain, go ahead—vote at Minnesota Stories.
Warning: Tater-tot hotdish on-a-stick is disturbingly phallic.
Here’s an idea. If I’m worried that my wife would object to squid art, I could ease her into the idea by first exposing her to rooms with an arthropod theme. As another advantage, when I opened the door to salesmen and Jehovah’s Witnesses, they’d see giant spiders clinging to the walls and run away.