Booooorn freeeeee!

Everyone start singing now, this is a heartwarming story. Sid is an octopus in the Portobello Aquarium. Sid has the clever octopus habit of escaping — he disappeared for days, and was later discovered hiding in a seawater drain. So what is the aquarium to do with the sneaky fellow?

Set him free!

Isn’t that nice?

(Just because I’m cynical that way, though, I will point out two less happy reasons. They’re going to capture another octopus before they release him, which means Sid is going to have to change his name to Barabbas. The really cynical side of me notes that the aquarium managers also know that cephalopods tend to be short-lived, and they may be thinking that they’ll need to replace him soon anyway, so they’re getting some good PR out of his retirement.)