I never did trust those astronomers. Now I learn that they have been conspiring to keep us stupid.
I never did trust those astronomers. Now I learn that they have been conspiring to keep us stupid.
Professor Steve Steve, how could you?
He will be going into rehab, and promises never to do it again.
(via Zeno)
Mmmmmm. Squid pie. With sprinkles!
Some of you may noticed that someone on scienceblogs is going out of their way to say untrue things about me … it’s a transparent ploy to get me to link to them, I think, and an attempt to ruin my reputation. It’s not going to work, I tell you. No links! I’m not going to reward them with my attention! Don’t believe a word they say!
I can’t possibly be the only one to have noticed the similarity.
Leave it to the Republicans to consider nominating a thuggish, evil alien to run the country.
I’ve also always wondered if those creationists who deny the power of chance think that victory or defeat in the church bingo games are predestined.
The Modulator informs me that there are 20 blogging commandments. Then I discover how to create your own religion in 10 easy steps. It figures that it’s twice as easy to create a religion as it is to create a successful blog.
So if I’d pursued that other avocation, I’d be pope by now? Or at least the leader of a globe-spanning cult? But I repeat myself.
Poor Kent seems to be popular today.
The giant squid and I have so much in common.