Man tracks!

Dan Olson has been soaking in the history of creationism, and has come out with an excellent YouTube documentary. It starts with the Paluxy dinosaur tracks, and leads to Clifford Burdick, The Genesis Flood, and frauds like Kent Hovind. And then Carl Baugh shows up, a true charlatan.

It’s familiar stuff, but really well presented. Well worth an hour and a half.


  1. Robbo says

    I’m gonna check it out!

    and especially the one on flat earthers. i like following all the flat earth debunkers to see what logical crashes all the flat earthers take.

    they are draw droppingly scientifically ignorant.

  2. says

    Remember the old joke about how if the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off the edge already? That video does sound interesting, I’ll watch that in my ‘spare time’. (stupid remark, I’ve never had any ‘spare time’.

  3. StevoR says

    Reckon cdesignproponetism – creastionism will now be making a comeback under Trump? How big of a come back do you think it will get with the Christian Nationalists / Supremacists / Theocrats now in charge?

  4. says

    I really enjoyed the first part of the film describing the travels and travails of Roland Byrd, and then we get to that Olsonian trademark twist with the quote from George Adams’ daughter. I knew some aspects of this but this entertainingly puts together the whole sordid story of all those charlatans and grifters who came along after Byrd. It’s also nice that Glen Rose has adopted dinosaurs as a big theme of their town.

  5. outis says

    Many thanks for the videos, interesting subjects if more than a bit disheartening (deluge theology, flat earth and what next? Hhhh…)

  6. JimB says

    Wow. That was a cool video. And a big shout out to my hometown of Gallup New Mexico. This was much better than that time Dan Rather called Gallup, Drunk City USA…

  7. nomdeplume says

    Good video (apart from one criticism) but how unutterably depressing, How many American kids are now being religiously schooled either at home or in institutions and being taught such rubbish?

    A point not made in the film was the horrific damage done over the years to this extraordinary site by these fools and charlatans.

    My criticism is the ending in which Dan sums up the story and the town as all just a big laugh. It really isn’t funny Dan.

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