The ghouls are rising in California

Ray Comfort is doing his thing, blaming the California wildfires on Hollywood blasphemy. I warn you, this video is a combination of the nauseating and the banal: Ray is trapped in his usual schtick. First we get excerpts from the Golden Globes, to tell us how awful Glen Powell is and how evil Hollywood is, and then…he can’t help himself. He starts interviewing random people on the beach, asking them what caused the wildires (they don’t know), then asking them if they ever told a lie, etc., before telling them they have to find Jesus, when, presumably, the rains will come down.

Jeez, but I despise that loathsome little freak.


  1. larpar says

    My answer to “asking them if they ever told a lie” – Sure, but I don’t make a living out of it like you do, Ray.

  2. says

    I think the standard reaction by the right to any disaster these days is “DEI, ZOMG!”

    Train derailment? DEI.

    Airliner hits a flock of birds? DEI.

    Earthquake and subsequent tsunami? DEI.

    DEI is just their new dogwhistle for screaming the N-word impulsively, their heart’s true desire.

  3. billseymour says

    joelgrant @3:

    The banality of weevils.

    Hey, a new term from a group of whatevers like “an exaltation of larks”. A banality of preachers? [lots more]

    Robert Westbrook @5:  Not just the N-word (LGBTQ+ folks come easily to mind).  I think that “DEI”, like “woke”, has become just a placeholder, meaningless in itself, that lets the listener hear whatever they hate and so think that the speaker agrees with them.

  4. birgerjohansson says

    The Iranian mullahs have already stated that earthquakes are caused by women wearing immodest clothing so the US regressives have nothing new to add.

  5. whywhywhy says

    Rain will only increase the future risk of fire. There is a reason LA is burning: the rain that fell in 2024 made grass grow which then dried and now is burning. Ray’s simple solution is a curse.

  6. rietpluim says

    This guy thinks Jesus opposes DEI? Has he ever read the Bible? He’s just another pharisee.

  7. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 10

    Considering that Jesus called Canaanites “dogs” he probably be all for if.

    Sorry, but despite the liberal Christians attempts to whitewash Jesus into some Early Roman hippie, he really was a piece of shit.

  8. Akira MacKenzie says

    Edit: Considering that Jesus called Canaanites “dogs” he probably be on the bigot’s side.

  9. raven says

    It’s no secret what set up Los Angeles for these mega fires.

    Back-to-back wet years in Los Angeles set a rainfall record

    Los Angeles Times › story › 2024-04-01 › anothe…
    Apr 1, 2024 — As of Monday morning, downtown Los Angeles had received 52.46 inches of rain in the latest two water years, the second-highest amount in recorded history.

    The two previous years were very rainy with almost as much rain as Seattle.

    .2. “Climate impact
    The L.A. region has received little rain this year—a U.S. Drought Monitor Map, released last week, reported parts of Southern California as “abnormally dry”—coupled with warmer than usual temperatures.”
    Then the rains just stopped.
    There has been almost no rain this summer and fall.

    .3. “In addition, the area was battling a windstorm the day the fires were reported.

    “[The] National Weather Service reported wind gusts of close to 100 miles an hour in a region that had received close to zero precipitation with a season of very warm conditions,” says Stanford Professor Noah Diffenbaugh. “That is a very high-risk situation. And it was forecast in advance.”
    This year’s Santa Ana winds are exceptionally strong, close to 100 mph, hurricane strength.

    Two rainy years allowing the vegetation to grow well, followed by an exceptional drought, and then exceptionally strong Santa Ana winds from the interior.
    A perfect fire storm.
    Made worse by climate change.
    Our weather is getting more extreme, more rainy stretches, more severe droughts, and stronger wind storms.

    It’s not just academic for me.
    One of my relatives has a house a block from one of the evacuation zones. I checked last night and it is still there.
    They will probably make it through but it is going to be a close call.
    This time anyway.

  10. Rob Grigjanis says

    Akira @14: Yes, he compared Canaanites to dogs, explaining why he wouldn’t heal a Canaanite woman’s daughter. Then he changed his mind and healed her anyway.

  11. StevoR says

    @ ^ Rob Grigjanis : yes and he notd that people should love thy neighbours – empgasising that by saying that thy neighbours included even those then much loathed heretical Samaritans as Isaac Asimov pointed out in his ‘Lost in non-translation’ essay.

  12. StevoR says

    @5. Robert Westbrook : Yup -and kinda interchangeable with the word “woke” too.

    Both having become in common parlance (Redneckese) shorthand for not an utter bigot or regressive / different from us / not what we like.

  13. StevoR says

    “The bottom line is the winds far outweigh the fuel in terms of fire spread in a situation like this,” said Jon Keeley, fire ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. “When you have these winds it makes fuels less relevant. And the fuels are definitely not relevant once it gets into the urban environment, because the primary fuels are the homes.”

    … (Snip)… there’s no guarantee that cutting back brush near to neighborhoods would’ve prevented some sort of vegetation from catching on fire and spreading. Powerful winds can throw embers more than a mile away, starting up new fires all over. It was the exact sort of conditions that we see during wind-driven fires here in Southern California that can make containing blazes all but impossible.

    Source :

  14. StevoR says

    hether it’s through enduring unhealthy air from extreme wildfire events or experiencing those fires directly, hundreds of millions of people around the world are now affected every year by intensifying wildfires. While fire is an essential, natural process that has shaped the world’s landscapes for millions of years, extreme wildfires are becoming more frequent, severe, and extensive.

    The evidence connecting the climate crisis and extreme wildfires is clear. Increased global temperatures and reduced moisture lead to drier conditions and extended fire seasons. Prolonged heatwaves can take what was once a natural event in the fire-cycle process and supercharge it into a maelstrom that devastates entire communities. And, crucially, worsening wildfires mean larger amounts of stored carbon are released into the atmosphere, further worsening climate change. Given the mounting impacts associated with extreme wildfires, we need urgent action.

    Source :

    Which with Trump in charge there’s about zero percent chance of us actually getting now. Thanks again Beholder, Vicar; the rest of the Purity Disunity mob, Jill Stein, Cornell West and anyone who undermined and hurt the chances of Kamala Harris. There was 2% or so difference this past close election and we could be saying goodbye to Trump & Trumpism forever seeing him jailed and seeing Kamala Harris become the first POC & female POTUS and restore sanity to SCOTUS, US politics and oversee actual steps forward on Climate, Human Rights a ceasefire in Gaza, Ukraine defeat Russia with full global backing by Western powers, etc .. but nooooo. Instead we have this shitshow in a dumpster fire thanks to you lot and no words will suffice to express my contempt, disgust and rage at those responsible.

  15. christoph says

    I’ve heard that same background music in YouTube commercials selling super powerful weapons grade flashlights. I didn’t consciously associate it with scams until I saw this video.

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