It’s the hot new parenting fad: glue all your babies to your cape and carry them with you everywhere.
Pelagic parenting 101 🦑📚
Some deep-sea squids, like Bathyteuthis berryi, store and brood hundreds of thousands of fertilized eggs in specialized egg sacs, guarding their young and protecting them for up to nine months until they hatch.Learn more:
— MBARI (@MBARI_News) July 30, 2021
Stylish and practical!
It’s sad that the parents die so soon after hatching their brood. It would be fascinating to see some variety of cephalopod that instead lived long enough to pass on some life experience to the next generation.
@ ^ Artor : Agreed. It certainly would be. Also makes for an interesting speculative model for aliens that are like (but not) our earthly cephalopods.
I wdner if the capes also act as thermoregulation too – keeping the young warm and at the right temperature to best develop as well as being their shelter in other ways too. Like the clothing article I guess?
Task to be delegated to David the evil android: design long-lived cephalopods. That will keep him too busy to mess with xenomorphs.
Task to be delegated to Marvin the other android: keep an eye on David, even if it is a depressing job.
“Here I am, an android with a brain the size of a planet, and I have to spend my time watching an android whose very low-bar goal is to design something more impressove than a tribe of hairless monkeys. This is terribly depressing.”
Male Water Bugs also do this but do not die after the young eclose. They are ubiquitous freshwater beasts.×520.jpg
Well, as per The Incredibles anyway.
9 months? That seems incredibly long for such tiny hatchlings. What is happening for those 9 months?
The wossname former sports celebrity that went into politics (and blamed absent fathers for all societies ills) has now admitted not one, but two estranged kids.
The dead cephalopods at least had an excuse.
But, as we know by now, it does not matter when it is a Republican.
#7: Development.
Keep in mind that tremoctopus lives in the deep, where it’s cold and hypoxic. Under those conditions, I’d expect development (a metabolically expensive process) to be relatively slow.
#2: I’d also expect the organism to be relatively isothermic with its environment.