Aron Ra has a new YouTube series on “Supposed Lies in the Textbooks” which addresses some of the many ridiculous claims by Kent Hovind about what is taught in the science classroom. For a guy who claims to have been trained as an educator and to have taught grade school science, ol’ Kent sure has some stupid misconceptions. For instance, Aron slaps down this remarkable claim from Hovind about molecular homology:

The bones develop from different genes in different organisms. Evolutionists cannot explain this and seldom discuss it.
But that’s not at all true! For instance, the evil cat and I used the same, or homologous, genes to develop the hands I use to type with, and the clawed paws she uses to slash me with. All of the diverse limbs illustrated above use a similar set of genes to build their bony cores, modulated by the same Hox genes to establish the pattern, with subtle variation in the regulation of their morphogenetic properties. It’s simply a lie that limb bones develop from different genes in different organisms, which is why biologists don’t discuss it.
Yet there are still people who treat Hovind as a reliable source — I know of several local churches here in West Central Minnesota who are happy to show kids those videos. I guess that’s why some of us are still trapped in the endless morass of having to explain that a liar lies.
I’ve watched all of AronRa’s series of “Supposed Lies in the Textbooks” and they are excellent but then they’d have to be to force me to sit through even a minute of Hovind’s smug and condescending approach to the subject and his ill-informed nonsense as it’s worth it just to see AronRa’s masterful debunking of that nonsense following each clip he shows from Hovind’s lecture.
I’m interested to see what you thought of AronRa’s approach as an academic well versed in the science. I thought it was excellent but I’m only a layperson with a relatively basic knowledge of the some of the more advanced issues discussed in the series. However, I have seen enough of AronRa’s videos in the past to trust him on his knowledge of biology and have also seen enough of Hovind to know he’s a charlatan just making money off the rubes who follow him.
The first creationist I ran into on the internet claimed that evolution wasn’t true because humans were unique in being the only organisms with a four chambered heart.
Which of course, is completely wrong.
All mammals, all birds, and crocodilian reptiles all have four chambered hearts.
The whole incident surprised me. I had thought that creationists were extinct.
Shortly after that, they began their war on science and education.
The only thing that needs to be pointed out about Hovind is that he’s a convicted felon and a proven fraud.
Intellectual laziness, cowardice, and tribalism. You know, “values.” It takes less brain power to rely on dogma and fantasy than to learn and figure out what’s real and then with live it.
Good luck overcoming that.
They probably could’ve figured that out when he was found guilty on 58 counts of (essentially) being a lying liar who lies (and evades taxes).
Also, even other big creationist organizations say (or at least used to say) that his claims are total crap and make them look bad. That should probably have counted for something too. But … nope. Nothing can stop the one, true faith.
Scientific literacy and accurate analysis probably aren’t high on the list of priorities of any church.
If they’d start promoting that, the churchgoers might actually start examining their beliefs. And that wouldn’t do at all.
The crocodilian heart is really weird. As I understand it, while they have a 4 chambered heart they also have a shunt connecting the pulmonary artery and aorta that makes it functionally 3 chambered.
I’ve been watching that current series too . Been subscribed to Aron Ra for over 10 years now . Even though I know this stuff I always learn something new !
Clearly, Hovind never read “Your Inner Fish” by Shubin.
I love Aaron’s vids. He is not very entertaining in his delivery, its a bit monotone, but the strength of knowledge and scalpel sharp delivery make up for it.
Kovind is a self obsessed liar and bottom dweller.