It feels like a major accomplishment. I didn’t go far, just circling my house, looking for spiders, and I found lots of them! Mainly wolf spiders and lots of zebra jumping spiders. I threw photos up on the usual places: Patreon and Instagram and iNaturalist.
Yes. The best remedy for cabin fever is to get out of the cabin. I’m fortunate to live in a neighborhood where I can take daily walks with minimum risk of encountering anyone else — and I can always cross the street. I can’t actually walk around my house without climbing a fence or taking the route out a ways. It works.
I am fortunate to have a fenced yard to go out in and to help keep in shape there is always some small job that needs to be done. I am comforted by the beauty of it all, even profligate growth of the weeds (unwanted plant volunteers/pioneers) . I am also amazed by the silence partly because I live in a busy harbor at the end of a busy freeway. now the only thing “missing” is a dark night to see the Milky Way
it is all very reassuring.
uncle frogy
I did get out today, but only to retrieve the recycle and garbage bins from the parkway and drag them to the back of the house.
Saw three spiders in my bathroom yesterday on the ceiling and two walls. didn’t know if there was going to be a fight over territory or a mate. Left them alone to sort it out.
This week is the first week since lockdown we’ve been back up to full time and five eights. I’ve been spending all day masked and gloved and the contact dermatitis is flaring up bad. I don’t leave my bedroom on my days off unless I absolutely have to. Trust me. It’s no fun on the outside right now. You aren’t missing anything.
That looks like my fate soon.
Tried to order food delivery online from my massively distant supermarket that’s all of two miles away. Next delivery slot is in four weeks.
OK, I’ll try will-call, come to pick it up at the curb. Two weeks.
Come in with SPO2 of 95 – 96, free and immediate.
Tried ordering ibuprofen from Amazon, second week of May. RiteAid is 2 1/2 miles away. The first thing after arriving there will be taking 600 mg of ibuprofen…
Oh well, we’ll muddle through somehow. Even money, food will be hospital food, as SPO2 hits 94, it’s time for O2.
One of the joys of being a former medic, knowing just how far up shit’s creek we are and wishing for a boat, let alone a paddle.
wzrd1 I hope it turns round before any of you need to be hospitalised.
Every time I go out in the sun, I start to smoke and shrivel up. It’s something about the UV, I think.
Those were great spider pics, PZ. I saw them on Instagram. One even showed lunch time in progress as a spider chowed down on some unidentified creature with wings.
The Cat & Rent
Page down a bit to see the cat.