Pat Robertson has some opinions on the idea of butchering a journalist while he’s alive with a bone saw. They’re not what I would have thought a Christian would openly admit.
Pat Robertson responds to reports that the Saudis murdered a journalist by telling everyone to calm down and focus on the important things, like the lucrative arms deal we have with them.
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) October 15, 2018
He argues that we should basically overlook a little thing like a torture-murder because Saudi Arabia are key allies, our main enemy in the Middle East is Iran
, and there’s also that little $190 billion arms deal which means a lot of jobs and a lot of money coming into our coffers
. You know, 2000 years ago the most powerful empire of the time also endorsed a torture-murder of someone in the interests of maintaining the balance of power in the Middle East and pacifying a troublesome population; I guess that would have been OK if Jesus had also been interfering with a profitable trade in spears and swords.
I like ol’ Pat. He keeps opening his mouth and contributing to the corruption of religious faith. He’s probably done far more for atheism than Richard Dawkins. Televangelists in general have been awesome forces for discrediting organized religion for years.
Barmy old fart .
”’Okay, yes, I acknowledge that murder happened, that a life somehow ended. But let us look beyond this possibly sad thing and rejoice that it has helped bring us more money for more murders of more people we don’t really care about. Evil happens every day. Surely we cannot stop it. So we may as well see that when it is monetized, the shekels fall out way.”’
Good jobs? Screw arms deals. If you want a good job, become a televangelist. Those guys are raking it in. Good ole Pat’s worth a couple hundred mil. Kenneth Copeland is worth nearly a billion, and recently asked his congregation to buy him a Gulfstream jet. They gave it to him willingly. The Lord is bountiful.
Christians haven’t been anti-imperial, at least since they took over the same empire for themselves, not to mention several others. And they’ve had nothing but empty words about peace, love, forgiveness, etc., for longer than that. This was well before the rise of televangelism. It’s always been a load of bullshit. It’s not as if Christianity has been tarnished somehow by recent developments. This is how it looked when it came out of the box. It’s like those distressed jeans that rich people buy for their angsty teenagers, but less honest and more murderous.
I often times think that Pat Robertson is as much of an Anti-Theist as Christopher Hitchens ever was. With the decline in faith in the modern era, a lot of younger people are attributing their abandoning of the faith to the political Christianity that has become so popular on the right these days. The political compromises on the faith for the sake of supporting a candidate. And nobody does that better than ol’ Pat.
So, here’s to Pat Robertson, Creating Atheists every time he opens his mouth.
Thou shalt not kill … unless there’s a juicy arms deal at stake.
Somehow, I think that Pat would have a much greater issue if the murdered journalist had worked for FAUX News or some other right-wing source.
USA has been willing to overlook their extermination campaign in Yemen, why would we expect them to flinch from this single murder?
“You can’t serve mammon and serve God”. Your Bible’s teachings. Would the Jesus you profess to worship trade one man’s life for an arms deal? Simply having to ask that question is sickening.
Read the parable of the Good Samaritan.
It is going to be the nation’s lasting shame that Pat Robertson was ever listened to at all. His followers are the poorest examples of what it means to be an American patriot. I have known people whose Christianity was sincere and well-lived. Pat Robertson is not one of those people. The Christians I know are made of sterner stuff.
Kip T.W.: Please don’t use “shekels” that way, it’s an antisemitic trope.
Pat is sick, metaphorically. He uses the nam of Jesus to justify his irrational discourse denigrating everything with which he personally disagrees. He is fucked and not worth airtime of any sort.
@9 tiger prawn
“ I have known people whose Christianity was sincere and well-lived. Pat Robertson is not one of those people. The Christians I know are made of sterner stuff.”
Re an earlier post “it is not all bullshit.
All this aside from the fact that there is no $190 billion arms deal with the Saudis. Robertson believes Trump’s lies as easily as he does Leviticus’s.
@Nentuaby #10
I never thought it was antisemitic. I don’t know that I’ve ever used it that way, but I’ll be sure not to from now on.