I’m not terribly familiar with Katie Hopkins — she’s more of a British affliction — but I did run across her writings a while back, when she was busy advocating for the outright murder of immigrants. She is not a nice person at all. Now she has stepped into the Roy Moore story. Anyone care to guess what her position is? No? You can’t get your brain down to that level? OK. Here’s her two cents:
If you take 40 years to remember how upset you were at 14, you are not a victim. You are a weapon #RoyMoore https://t.co/AO4wDbpSbm
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) November 15, 2017
If you take 40 years to remember how upset you were at 14, you are not a victim. You are a weapon #RoyMoore
What if you have a 40 year history of harassment? Why is that to be ignored, while Katie focuses on the victim?
Not all girls are innocent at 14. I was pleasuring my boyfriend harder than a Russian gymnast working a pole (Capital P optional) #RoyMoore
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) November 15, 2017
Not all girls are innocent at 14. I was pleasuring my boyfriend harder than a Russian gymnast working a pole (Capital P optional) #RoyMoore
I assume she consented to her wild sexual escapades — good for her — and that her boyfriend was of her age, and not 20 years older. If the targets of Moore’s unwanted advances had boyfriends and the beginnings of a romantic life and normal desires, how does that make being hit on by a creepy old guy suddenly acceptable? That Katie Hopkins clearly was not “innocent” at 14 does not mean that it was open season on teenaged Katie by anyone who wanted her.
Hopkins, by the way, has one of those verified accounts with Twitter — she has the little blue checkmark next to her name. Presumably she won’t have it for long, since Twitter is finally cracking down on handing out that acknowledgment to spokespeople for hate, a club in which Hopkins is a prominent member.
She is an odious woman. It should be noted she rose to fame after appearing in the British version of the Apprentice.
“I was pleasuring my boyfriend harder than a Russian gymnast working a pole (Capital P optional).”
Ew. What is she talking about? When do Russian gymnasts “work a pole”?
Let me guess…there’s money to be made being repugnant.
It doesn’t take time to remember, it takes time to be able to speak out. Ms. Hopkins is a fine example of why so many people don’t speak out.
Bad news for you – she would LOVE to get more into the US media, and over the here she’s limited to the vile Daily Mail. Main UK TV channels won’t go near.
If you take her, we’ll throw in Farage for nothing. In fact, we’ll pay you.
She also ‘mutually agreed’ to leave LBC Radio after dodgy tweets about the Manchester attacks.
Her media opps in the UK are hopefully drying up, so she will probably follow the likes of Milo Y and Mr Andrew Wakefield and carve out a US career. There is always seems to be money in being a British Rentagob in the United States unfortunately.
@mond #7:
She sounds like a perfect fit for Infowars – I wonder if she’s put out feelers…
Yes she is a nasty piece of work .She had a slot LBC radio and got sacked for her comments .
She referred to refugees as cockroach’s .The image of her ,nigel fargo and piers morgan all trying to
brown nose the snatch snatcher makes your skin crawl .
PS ,sorry if that put anyone off their dinner .
Some British rentagobs are doing good work in the US; John Oliver
Katie Hopkins is the UK’s Ann Coulter.
Or it was something that was so horrible that the victim buried it. Or the victim didn’t even realize that what happened was wrong until years, or decades, later.
I guess I am not a victim. I must have been a willing 9 or 10 year old.
I seem to remember that Katie Hopkins is so racist, even UKIP have refused to let her join them. Branching out into misogynistic victim-blaming would fit her personality perfectly.
Note that she can’t help but take the opportunity to denigrate two of the many nationalities she despises, on the basis that most Polish and Russian people are Slavic.
Hopkins is a very nasty piece of work.
As ever Mitchell and Webb had her number years ago…
Definition of a rentagob from Wikionary
Doesn’t really describe John Oliver who is a comedian and makes his money from being funny.
The rentagob usually falls into the category of being famous for being controversial rather than their primary occupation (if they actually have one). You get into famous for being famous type category.(ie Hopkins on the UK version of the Apprentice gave her instant media profile)
She was also going to sail on the nazi’s crowd-funded ship to attack NGO migrant rescue ships in the Mediterranean. From memory, she never did sail (I’m not sure she even met up with the ship), due to the ship first being held in Egypt and then being refused docking permission everywhere but Turkish-controlled N.Crypus, throwing the schedule and ports-of-call completely off.