While PZ frets over Chtwosday, I wish to offer a different perspective. The BFF, another friend, and I have been working on hand-making tutus for Tutu Tuesday (or “Tulle Tutu Tuesday” if that isn’t too too). I have been measuring, folding, pinning, holding, and other tasks as necessary since I’m not skilled at the sewing itself, which also means that my tutu is not quite done.
However, BFF’s tutu is complete. I bring it to you in all its glory here:

BFF in tutu for Tulle Tutu Tuesday
As a bonus, here is Danny Trejo as Cupid In A Tutu:

Famous movie actor and all around nice guy Danny Trejo dresses up as Cupid, complete with bow & arrow and tutu, for Valentine’s Day some years back.
I’m not fretting, I’m just eager for the nightmares to end.
Just here for Mr. Trejo.
You know he’s hiding a machete there.