
Sex as choose your own adventure stories gets some love.

Choose your own percale.


  1. John Morales says

    Mmm. Seems a bit forced.

    I’ve never done that sort of thing, but were I to do so, I’d not be beating around the bush.

    I have played text MUDs (back in the day), so I can see how it could be done in the spirit of IC vs IRL. But still, it’s too stilted and spartan.

    BTW, if I go to the bed which I’ve been told is occupied, my immediate attention would be on the occupant, not the sheets.

    Ah well, apparently I’m neither nerdish nor kinky enough to appreciate that.

  2. says

    > Ask for safeword.
    John Morales:

    I’ve never done that sort of thing, but were I to do so, I’d not be beating around the bush.

    I should hope not. At least not without clear consent.
    Marcus – Pretty sure I dated that dude. Less than once.

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