Or, you know, the opposite of that. The Proud Boys of North Carolina turned out to support a #StopTheSteal rally organized around the Governor’s mansion in Raleigh. Someone named Joshua Flores, who is clearly delusional about the presidential election result, organized the event and invited the Proud Boys as his “private security”. But when the event started they seemed less auxiliaries there to ensure the peace and more like people who want the other thing:
“America will never be a communist nation — never!” [Jeremy] Bertino said as fellow Proud Boys lined the sidewalk wearing tactical vests and trademark yellow and black gear. “Your side will lose. We will exterminate you like the rats you are…. Exterminate you!”
Apparently it was also common amongst the attending Proud Boys to wear a patch attached to a jacket or other clothing that reads “RWDS”. For those not in the know, that means “Right Wing Death Squad/s”.
Bertino defended his conduct in a later interview, insisting that the quote
We will exterminate you like the rats you are…. Exterminate you!
was only intended to threaten death to the counter-protesters physically present at the time, and not all people on the left wing of US politics.
So, yeah. There’s definitely nothing Nazi about Trump’s attempt to steal the election.
We will exterminate you like the rats you are…. Exterminate you!
I grew up in a liberal academic household, and we used to chant that instead of “grace” before each meal.
[snark not intended to be factual]
‘Bertino defended his conduct in a later interview, insisting that the quote
We will exterminate you like the rats you are…. Exterminate you!
was only intended to threaten death to the counter-protesters physically present at the time, and not all people on the left wing of US politics.’
Because only threatening the people there was so much better?