Gah, NO! Peter Fonda What Is Wrong With You?


Peter Fonda is outraged at the injustice done by Trump’s policy and of the horrible suffering inflicted upon children being used as a political weapon to influence the policy choices of others. So, naturally, he suggests that Donald and Melania Trump’s child Barron should be caged and raped to encourage Trump to reformulate DOJ & DHS policies:

“We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will will (sic) stand up against the giant asshole she is married to,” Fonda wrote, in all caps.

This story was broken by right-wing websites who don’t deserve the links, but Holy Freuding Freud, Batman, Peter Fonda must face condemnation for this.

How moronic do you have to be to fail to realize that kidnapping and rape threats are not a path to justice?



  1. polishsalami says

    I think all members of the Ruling Class should have that lingering feeling in the back of their mind that they might be on the receiving end of some rough justice.

  2. blf says

    How moronic do you have to be to fail to realize that kidnapping and rape threats are not a path to justice?

    One fonda. A millifonda would be something like sticking a pin in a balloon held by someone you don’t like, whilst a petafonda is about a single day’s actions by hair furor and his dalekocracy.

  3. EigenSprocketUK says

    I hope that Fonda will ’fess his error and apologise for his awful outburst. The Trump family, I suspect, would never listen in the first place, even less consider whether they did anything to say sorry for.

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