Sorry to not deliver on the promise of that headline. It was just another case of sidebar vandalism, on my part. Not that I’m morally opposed to horny fan comicking about syndicated nosy cartoon grandma Mary Worth, but it’s more effort than this post requires, and I’d probably get another FtB Ethics Committee called down on me.
My dude once observed that bro-ish young artists all seem drawn to making horny or violent versions of innocent characters from the comics, the cartoons, children’s TV, etc. It was certainly a recurring theme at the art school I went to. This has a ye olde tradition in what were once called “Tijuana bibles,” where you could see Popeye and Blondie get it on.
I am not going to sit here and tell you that I haven’t drawn Blondie and Dagwood knowing each other maritally, and that as Dagwood went for a post-coital sandwich he wasn’t turned into a zombie by the reanimated Calvin of And Hobbes fame. But is that a pursuit worthy of an artist’s gifts?
Sure. Why not? I once dreamed of starting a project where I’d take a random comic strip and continue whatever situation was happening past the punchline into a pornographic scenario, doing my best imitation of the drawing style. Might actually work in reverse too, having the porn culminate in the events of the strip. Still, never got around to it.
Anyway, a hearty welcome to anybody who found FreethoughtBlogs dot com by googling “mary worth hentai.” Have you considered if atheism might be right for you?
Take off your shoes and make yourself at home.
Anyone hoping to see Wilbur Weston having sex probably shouldn’t be in the movement. Or allowed in public.
I didn’t even register the “Hentai” part, I was just so amazed at seeing the “Mary Worth” part. Growing up in Arizona in the 60s, our newspaper was the Arizona Daily Star out of Tucson. I of course read the comics page with Peanuts (before Charles Schultz’ funny bone decomposed), Beetle Bailey, Dick Tracy, Blondie, and Mary Worth. I think there was also a strip based on a doctor, but I forget what that was called.
Most of the comics were holdovers from the 30s and 40s, often with the original creator dead or retired. I always assumed the Daily Star bought them because they were cheap, but just now I realized that a lot of their readers were retirees from back east and maybe the comics were selected not so much for fiscal reasons as for sating the nostalgia of the old folks.
GAS, I think I am a decade older than you, so you really surprised me with that Mary Worth reference. 😄
no way tabby, wilbur can get it. hubba hubba, as it were.
moar – rex morgan md, perchance? was a child in the 80s so bloom county was my fave, then calvin & hobbes when it came along. but I read everything, including legacy strips from cheap imitators of the original artists.
also learned some from / the comics curmudgeon, which i expect is where tabby picked up the wilbur love.
I think some Bill Barr hentai would sell.
ah, celebrity porn. i ain’t touchin’ that with a ten foot pole.
Rex Morgan, MD. Yep, that’s it. I can almost smell the milk soaking into my bowl of Life cereal. (That was about the sweetest cereal our mom would let us get on a regular basis).
raisin bran or cheerios with a lil sugar on em.
Rex Morgan is less about the medical stuff these days and more about roots country shenanigans. One story involved a singer who faked gastrointestinal distress so he could have the final spot on stage for the night. It’s okay though, he later set himself right by falling for a self-help conman who actually helped him self-help. You don’t see much of Mud Mountain Murphy these days though.
Truck, though. He’s man, not a truck. And the past few days have been him sitting on a park bench. If you’re a newspaper comics creative team these days, you can’t risk riling up the only demographic you have left with excitement or drama.
god i wish that was me