Trump’s Plan

Republican stalwarts won’t mention “Convention”
Without saying prayers—at least knocking on wood—
It isn’t supposed to be “open”; they’re hopin’
The voters eliminate Trump, as they should
The problem is, Trump’s an attraction—some fraction
Of GOP voters think Trump is the GOAT
In races where Trump has contested, he’s bested
The party elites (when they’ve split up the vote) [Read more…]

Why I Will Not Watch Tuesday’s GOP Debate

They took a pile of dog shit,
And they mushed it in a mound,
Till it stood about two inches tall,
Nine inches wide, and round,
They let it sit a while,
Till it dried a little bit,
And it looked a bit like pastry
(Though it through and through was shit)
Then they covered it with frosting
So it seemed a proper cake—
If you hadn’t paid attention,
And you didn’t know it’s fake—
Then they took the pile of dog shit
And they put it on display
And they said “it looks delicious—
Won’t you try a bite today?” [Read more…]

Wanted: Questions For The GOP Debates

The GOP’s seeking suggestions for questions;
They don’t like the ones that reporters might ask
The hopefuls hate people decrying their lying;
They mustn’t expect to be taken to task!
It’s politics, people! It’s ruthless! It’s truthless!
Those fact-focused folks are a pain in the ass
We need to see less confrontation; the nation
Wants leaders like these to be given a pass! [Read more…]