“Never Before Has Revisionist History Been Accepted As Fact So Quickly”

A few weeks ago (wow, maybe a couple of months already), I got a call asking for donations for some group supporting our brave, misunderstood, and oft-attacked police officers. Recent news events made it very easy to hang up on them, but as soon as I did, I regretted not having asked the rep what the organization’s official stance was on the Tamir Rice shooting (this gives you several possible time-frames for when I got the call). This time around, it was an email, not a phone call, and I want to take a bit of time to unpack it. [Read more…]

“Mad Max” Features Strong Female Lead; MRA Idiot Urges Boycott.

There’s action on action, and thrill upon thrill
Explosions and chases, there’s more than your fill
A director who works at the peak of his skill
And a cast well-adept at their duties

Reviews are impressive—the best of the best—
If doubters had questions, it passes the test
A movie to savor… but, just one request:
Don’t see it, cos females have cooties [Read more…]

“Meaningless Pieces Of Meat”

An atheist must be immoral–why quarrel?
Both logic and evidence show I am right!
Their claim to their “moral” conclusions? Illusions!
With no god to guide them, what’s “wrong” in their sight?
Imagine a fervent believer–his fever
For ultimate justice gives glory to God;
An atheist view of what matters just shatters–
No bedrock to build on, just fragile facade. [Read more…]