Some of the people outragedinSevenOaks about Jesus and Mo pretend to think that it’s insinuating that Jesus and Mo are poofters. [gasp gasp gasp]
Insinuating how? My dear, they are shown in bed together. [**gasp**]
Well, Author points out Stan and Ollie.
And Eric & Ernie
The idea of one person/bed (except for sex) is quite modern.
In the V&A they have the ‘Great Bed of Ware‘ which reputedly could sleep 8 to 10 persons!!
Oh, honestly!
Peace appears to be upon at least one of them. Also hats.
To be strictly pedantic, there is this one which strongly implies it. But it does have to be balanced against all the other ones in which they are objecting to teh gay (and also remembered that they are not really coherent characters anyway – their viewpoint on many subjects changes according to what aspect of theology the author wants to satirise).
Wellll, 2005…that’s so long ago. Not sure it counts.
Wellll, 2005…that’s so long ago. Not sure it counts.
Tried that line myself once but my girlfriend was having none of it.
Do Sesame Street’s Bert and Ernie share a bed? Must be uncomfortable with all those cookie crumbs.
…only forty lashes instead of a death sentence.
Blimey, there was me assuming Author based it on Morcambe and Wise when actually it was Laurel and Hardy he had in mind. All these years I have misinterpreted Jesus and Mo.
Next we’ll be hearing that the heretical view that he was thinking of Noddy and Bigears is true.
Bert and Ernie share a bedroom, but have separate beds.