Mourning Contraception.


Griswold Vigils to Be Hosted Around the State!
Every year pro-lifers throughout Wisconsin mark the anniversary of the June 7, 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut U.S. Supreme Court decision with prayer vigils at local birth control centers. The landmark Griswold decision paved the way for abortion on demand in America by legalizing contraception and defining the so-called “right to privacy” upon which the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was based.


In an email to members yesterday, the anti-abortion group Pro-Life Wisconsin announced the latest round of its annual “prayer vigils at local birth control centers” marking the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Griswold v. Connecticut, which struck down laws banning married women from accessing birth control.

Pro-Life Wisconsin, which advocates for a fetal “personhood” amendment in the state that would ban abortion with no exceptions, boasts that in contrast to the state’s National Right to Life Committee affiliate, it “opposes all forms of artificial birth control.”

I cannot express the depth of my disgust for these people, and those with similar views. It’s not enough to try and remove every person’s right to bodily autonomy, no. You want to make sure that people are slaves to their reproductive systems. Nosiness isn’t a virtue, and these people take it to despicable lengths. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how my personal reproductive choices could possibly matter to people I don’t know, and will never know. What kind of an evil person do you have to be, to take enjoyment and satisfaction from the thought that you might be able to shut down bodily autonomy rights? You folks are a fucktonne nastier than the bloodthirsty, psychopathic god you worship, who, by the way, didn’t really have a problem with abortion.

While looking at their announcement for vigils mourning contraception, I noticed an ad for a coffee company, Lifeboat Coffee, where there’s a donation to your favourite group of evil, anti-life assholes every time you purchase coffee.


1. All human life is sacred, beautiful and deserving of protection from natural conception to natural death. No exceptions & no compromise.

2. Our coffees must be ethically sourced, sustainable and of superior quality and taste.

3. We’ll give 10% of every purchase back to YOUR favorite life-affirming charity. 


Our founder and President, John Lillis, (known affectionately as: The Skipper), is married and he and his wife have been blessed with seven children. He is, in fact, a proto-survivor of America’s abortion-holocaust, being born and abandoned (left for adoption), in San Francisco at the end of August of 1967, some five-months after the California legislature passed the Therapeutic Abortion Act!  This is personal.

Personal. Right. I’d dearly like to to make Mind Your Own Fucking Business a commandment. One of the items you can purchase from the anti-life coffee store is an incredibly tacky little doll, fully kitsched out, so you can spiritually adopt an unborn child. Yep.

This is a great opportunity to Spiritually Adopt an unborn child who is at-risk for abortion!  Along with your gorgeous ornament, you’ll receive an Adoption Certificate where you can Name and Pray for this little-one!  What an experience! Add to that this hand-designed ornament is made by legendary doll maker Yolonda Bello and is featured here exclusively!  This pro-life ornament stands 8″ tall and is wrapped with a vine over a brass stand with the baby swaddled in cotton inside the glass ornament!  Proudly display your Spiritual Adoption Certificate and it makes a great conversation piece!

Yes, what an experience! What. The. Fuck.


The certificate of adoption reads: On this day______, I___________ do spiritually adopt and name this child___________ I will pray and intercede for this child. And I will be ever mindful of how great a gift life is and how precious this child.

Well. That should take care of the problem of all those medical decisions being made (that are none of your business), right? After all, your god is mighty and all that stuff, so you get everyone to buy adopt a dolly, and pray. Everything is settled!

Via Right Wing Watch.

Day to Night.

STEPHEN WILKES Pont de la Tournelle, Paris (from the series Day to Night), 2013.

Pont de la Tournelle, Paris (from the series Day to Night), 2013.

Stephen Wilkes blends photographs taken over the course of a day, so there’s day and evening in a single photo. Fascinating and beautiful work, showing at the Robert Klein Gallery in Boston until August 20th, 2016.

Day to Night, Wilkes’ most defining project, began in 2009. These epic cityscapes and landscapes, portrayed from a fixed camera angle for up to 30 hours capture fleeting moments of humanity as light passes in front of his lens over the course of full day.

Day to Night has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning as well as dozens of other prominent media outlets and, with a grant from the National Geographic Society, was recently extended to include America’s National Parks in celebration of their centennial anniversary.

STEPHEN WILKES Central Park Snow, New York City (from the series Day to Night), 2010.

Central Park Snow, New York City (from the series Day to Night), 2010.

You can see more of this stunning series here.

Bloodless Persecution and Transgender Depravity.

(Knights of Columbus website) Baltimore Archbishop William Lori says institutions protecting religious freedom and morality are 'under assault.'

(Knights of Columbus website)
Baltimore Archbishop William Lori says institutions protecting religious freedom and morality are ‘under assault.’

Oh my! First up, bloodless persecution.

A Roman Catholic archbishop, however, warned that there is such a thing as “bloodless” persecution, and it is happening in the nation that is supposed to be one of the freest in the world, the United States.

During his address at the opening of the Divine Mercy University in Virginia, Baltimore Archbishop William Lori said Catholic institutions in America are “experiencing the severest threats to their religious liberty” at present.


“The institutions that are under challenge are places of mercy that seek to bring the healing balm of truth, love, and human skill to the spiritual, emotional, and physical wounds of human existence, to be indeed the ‘field hospital’ amid a culture where many are wounded daily,” the archbishop said, as quoted by LifeSiteNews.

To illustrate his point, the Roman Catholic official cited the legalisation of same-sex marriage and U.S. President Barack Obama’s contraceptive mandate as particular threats to religious freedom.

“We have only to think about the arbitrary redefinition of marriage and family or anti-family welfare and relief policies. As these intermediate structures either disappear or come under the direct control of the government, our society becomes less merciful and more impersonal, less apt to be a setting for human flourishing,” Lori said.


The prelate urged the faithful and all Christian groups to be steadfast in promoting values, especially during this year, called the Holy Year of Mercy by Catholics.

This year “presents us with a graced opportunity to see the most fundamental of our freedoms, religious freedom, through the prism of God’s mercy and compassion,” he said.

Mercy? Christians have a damn odd notion of mercy. Oh so merciful to force people to submit to your psychopathic figment of a god, unable to live life in a manner they wish, and meddlesome priests and parishioners to go poking their noses where they don’t belong. Merciful. Right. Well, I guess you don’t get to torture and crispy critter people anymore. That’s something, I suppose.

Jack Englehard.

Jack Engelhard.

Time for Transgender Depravity with Jack Engelhard.

Transgenders, some 700,000 of them nationwide, are less than one percent of the population, but they rule. Progressives want you to know that you are a bigot if you have a problem with men and women side by side in the same privy. What do we say about this? Nothing. Have we no shame? My cat won’t use the litter box until we leave the room. My cat knows dignity.

That’s nice, Jack. You have a sensitive kitty cat. What about all those people with distinctly undignified cats? The ones who don’t mind digging in the litter box, spraying sand all over the place while you are in the room? Do they need to die? Go to Ex-Undignified Cat Therapy? Sent to church? Rounded up and shipped off somewhere? There are even cats who go outside the box! *Gasp* Perhaps we best not talk about them.

Thanks to the depravity forced upon us by degenerate Liberals, the rest of us have been plunged down to the lowest rung of the animal kingdom. Your daughter is not safe in any school throughout the United States.

How sweet. Jack, like most all the other bigots, is terribly concerned with daughters.  All those sons can just take care of themselves, I guess. Back to daughters. The word choice is an interesting one. Not girls. Not young women. Not women. Daughters. Written with the heavy hand of patriarchy, and the weight of ownership. The concern over potentially damaged property.

I raised the alarm here on May 3 and again here on May 22 in a piece titled, “How Bruce Jenner changed the life of every American.”

The stats for that article reveal that it was read by about 25,000 Americans, which means I failed. I needed to reach all 320 million Americans to let them know that when Big Brother forbids you the rights for your most intimate acts and denies you your most hushed moments, all is lost.

Big Brother has forbidden me the rights for my most intimate acts and hushed moments? Hmmm. Okay, I’ll admit to being lost on the hushed moments bit, no idea. (It’s not like everyone can’t hear you tinkling away). Generally speaking, my most intimate acts don’t take place in public, but even if they did, I’d be with Mrs. Campbell, and as long as no one was in the street scaring the horses, who cares? I don’t really consider pissing to be an act of intimacy. It’s a necessary bodily function, and yes, if I have a choice, I prefer privacy, such as it is in a public lav. I was in a public lav last week. I went into a stall, and peed. End of story. No rights violated in any way.

I failed again now that we read this: “The international association of Conservative rabbis passed a resolution declaring its embrace of transgender people, and called on Jewish institutions and government agencies to ensure their full equality.” What is this?

This is not equality. This is not civil rights. This is an abomination – or so it was back in the days when decency meant something. This is not Jewish. This is not Christian. This is not American. This is an enormous sell-out against our Judeo/Christian ethics.

I do not care how many rabbis or ministers or priests support the transgender mythology, common sense tells us that this is wrong. Let’s be honest and call it sinful.

Oh, how about if we don’t, Jack. By the way, there’s no such thing as transgender mythology. Well, at least not as far as I know. I don’t think transgender people have all gotten together to create gods just yet. A sell-out of Judeo-Christian ethics sounds good to me, we could finally start living by actual ethics, which don’t harm people, and aren’t based on hatred, fear, and judgment.

To live in a time when any man can call himself a woman and any woman can call herself a man puts us outside the laws of civilization and into the lawlessness of the jungle. Together as a nation we have been declawed. We have been neutered. We have been dehumanized.

SIGH. Jungles! What in the fuck do you know about jungles, Jack? My bet would be nothing at all. Neutered. Declawed. Dehumanized. Are people being neutered and declawed somewhere? I certainly haven’t heard anything like that. As for you, Jack, well, you have your little claws out, don’t you? Scratching and scraping away at any move towards a more compassionate, caring and humane society. I haven’t been dehumanized in the least by anyone under the GLBT umbrella. No one has tried to declaw or neuter me, either. That last one would be a tad difficult where I’m concerned, but it’s not women you care about, is it, Jack? Nope, it’s all about the men. Manly men, howling the losses of patriarchy. Tsk.

To live in a place where the rules are upside down and where each man is his own judge is to live in a wilderness of moral decay.

There’s this men only thing again. I’m quite good with being my own judge of how to live my life. I’m not terribly interested in telling other people how to live their lives, and I’m too busy for that kind of thing anyway. Instead, I’m very good with all people having basic human rights, and being left in peace to judge what’s good for themselves.

The Black Woman Is God.



© Nicole Dixon.

The Black Woman Is God art exhibition tells and shows you the story of black women’s divinity through the lens of black women reclaiming their ancestry, culture, history and future. The brainchild of Karen Seneferu, this project is in it’s second incarnation in 2016 and will be featuring dozens of artists in at least three separate exhibitions at different locations throughout the summer and fall. The curatorial project is lead by a team that includes karen, Sasha Kelley, Zakiya Harris, Idris Hassan and many others including volunteers from the exhibited artists. As the team prepared for the first exhibit at the Oakland Museum, they held a series of meetings to help the participants get to know one another and to help plan and prepare for the exhibit.

This series is a documentation of these gatherings in an effort to recall and retain the importance of community and sisterhood in collaboration for social justice, ideology shifts, art, and, of course, love.

The Black Woman Is God: Reprogramming the God Code.

The show will be at SOMArts, July 7th through August 18th, 2016.

Sunday Facepalm


Thousands of couples have married across all 50 US states since last year’s Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell V Hodges, which brought equality to all 50 states.

But the National Organization for Marriage is still not happy – and plans to march on DC later this month to protest the decision in a ‘March for Marriage’.

A release confirmed: “This year’s March will protest the outrageous, anti-constitutional and illegitimate decision of the US Supreme Court redefining marriage.

“This was a decision wholly unsupported by the law and lacking any legal foundation. The majority simply legislated from the bench, imposing their own values on the country.

“In the process, they stripped over 50 million voters and countless legislators in states across America of their sovereign right to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”.

They did? How did they do this? Wait, I have sovereign rights? Okay…I have a sovereign right to define marriage as the union of adult people who love one another! Hey look, that works. No idea what their problem is, perhaps they aren’t proclaiming correctly or something.

It adds: “The 2016 March for Marriage… will send a powerful message to the elite, including those in Congress and on the federal judiciary, that the American people continue to believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, and that we reject the dangerous gender-bending ideology that has been the inevitable aftermath of redefining marriage.

Gosh, I have sovereign rights and I’m elite now. That seems about right, since going by the above, I’m not an American person, as I do not believe in that one man/one woman shite, nor do I reject gender-bending of any kind, even when it is wicked…fun.

“We must focus our elected officials and the American people on reversing these developments, and the March is a tremendous opportunity to do so.”

And I will do everything in my power to see that you keep being reduced to irrelevant cranks on the sidelines of life.

PinkNews has the story.

And, an infuriating Sunday Facepalm:

Alex Radita on his 15th birthday. He weighed 37 pounds due to untreated Type 1 diabetes (Court exhibit/CBC)

Alex Radita on his 15th birthday. He weighed 37 pounds due to untreated Type 1 diabetes (Court exhibit/CBC)

A 15-year-old Canadian boy suffering from severe effects of insulin-dependent diabetes died because his religious parents refused to seek proper medical care, the CBC reports.

Emil and Rodica Radita are on trial for first-degree murder after their son, Alex, died in 2013 from what prosecutors say were the effects of his parents’ refusal to seek medical care and rely on prayer and home treatment instead.

Alex was diagnosed with diabetes as a 3 year old. The condition can be controlled by monitoring blood glucose levels and giving insulin. But his parents believed that doctors caused the condition by treating him for it and left his diabetes untreated.


Soon after his diagnosis, Alex had been seized by child services for a year after he had been hospitalized three times because his parents refused to treat his condition. But he was returned to them. They complied with a court order to treat his condition with the help of a doctor — until they failed to show up for an appointment, the CBC reports.

The family could not be located, until they were discovered to have moved to a different province — but there was no communication between the two social service departments.

When in the hell is this going to stop, allowing parents to willfully murder their child, just because it’s in the name of a religion? Not only murder, but torture. This poor child’s life, from the time of diagnosis, had to be such misery. This could have been a happy, healthy child, but apparently, not one person cared enough to stop this in time to save Alex’s life.

Via Raw Story and CBC.

Aaaaaaaaaaand, one more. This one is brief:

God paid him [Muhammad Ali] back with Parkinson’s disease.

Christians. You can all go fuck yourself.

Arachnid Nursery

While waiting for birds to show this morning, I noticed a web on a dead plant, and shot it to check the light. After a while, I got to wondering, what was that? So, I did the time-honoured ape thing, and poked, very gently, with a stick. Baby spiders! They are incredibly tiny, much smaller than they look in the photos. All photos are 1500 x 996, click for full size.






© C. Ford. All rights reserved.

Pink. Amazing, Miraculous Pink.

Saad sent this fine example of everyday patriarchy, and the Power of Pink™:


Okay, the only actual difference I see here is the pill colour. Orange in the standard package, pink in the special Pink Power package. Oh, wait, the Pink Power states it’s for sensitive stomachs. Going by the handy dandy coding, this means only women have sensitive stomachs. Sorry men, you can’t have one of those. There’s a bit more interesting coding, too. The standard package: Gentle, predictable overnight relief. The Pink Power package: Gentle, dependable relief for sensitive stomachs. Women aren’t interested in predictable, no. They want dependable. Got to have that specifically coded assurance of stability and security, a pat on the hand, a pink promise you’ll be taken care of, sensitively.

Jesus, what a load of shit. A bright pink load of shit.