The Cowardly KKK on Trans Rights.


In the town of Lithia Springs, Georgia, the KKK decided to take a stance on Trans rights. They executed this oh so brave act by littering random houses in a quiet suburb with these fliers. Fliers which state “These freaks are jeopardizing the safety of bathrooms all across the nation“. Sweet of them to be so terribly concerned about the safety of public lavs all over the nation. I had no idea they were under threat. Perhaps there’s a secret mildew attack brewing or something. Oh, wait, there’s something tacked on about women and children. Ah, this is only concerned with the safety of womens’ and childrens’ lavs. (Again, kids have their own?) As for that “Our women and children“, I offer every single one of you moronic, bigoted assholes a profound Fuck You. Women do not belong to you, or anyone else. Children certainly do not belong to you, or anyone else. They are people, not possessions.

Apparently, this is their idea of a recruiting poster, hoping they’ll get all kinds of new moronic, bigoted assholes to sign up, after all, the safety of America’s bathrooms are at stake! In a display of utterly brilliant planning, they simply littered their little recruitment ads at random, with absolutely no thought as to where they might land, and only about a dozen (that are known about) were littered. Not the greatest effort.

“I wanted it on record, in case something happens to my children,” said Tenisha Bell. Bell immediately called the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office as soon as she read the flyer left on her front lawn. “I couldn’t believe this hatred, this racism left in my front yard,” she said.

The flier is from the KKK. News reports show the same flier was left in neighborhoods in Alabama and Mississippi in recent weeks.


“My ancestors were hung from trees,” she said. “This is not acceptable. This hurts. Just like they have problems with transgender, I have problems with the KKK.”

Full story here.

Efficiency, how I love thee.



About a month ago, our washing machine quietly died, with a tub full of clothes and water. Not entirely unexpected, it certainly hadn’t been running well for years, but it did run, so the time never seemed right to replace it. The dryer was still working, but again, not all that well. They were over 20 years old, and not terribly expensive when we bought them. In hindsight, we really should have considered replacing them years ago, rather than just doing the standard ‘run them to death’.

Wednesday, we brought home a Samsung set, mid-priced at around $1,200. (I know, still a lot of money!) That pain in the pocket is one reason for the ‘run them to death’ business. Having finally gotten them installed on Thursday, and starting to catch up with the insane amount of piled up laundry, oh, I wish we had done this years ago. You just don’t know how very badly your old machine works until you get a brand new, updated one. I am hoping these will be the last we have to buy, but if they start working as badly as our old ones at some point, I won’t hesitate to get new. I’m not used to having touchpads, or a separate power / start-pause system, so I keep setting them, then turning them off, but I’ll get used to it eventually. They are wonderfully efficient, quiet, and have the best machine feature ever – the capability to mute all sounds. For every load of wash, the readout lets you know how long it will take (same as the dryer), which is a nice feature. I have not bothered with the “OMG, you absolutely must use this special detergent” stuff, I just cut way down on the amount of the regular stuff, as I have a whole lot of it, and I’m not tossing it out. Now it will last even longer.

Very nice machines. Now to get on with all that laundry…


Credit: Benedict Evans.

Credit: Benedict Evans.

Tailors Rae Tutera and Daniel Friedman show off their suits for transgender clients in a new documentary, Suited.

The Girls creator and star produced an HBO documentary chronicling the rise of the duo’s store, Bindle & Keep. Directed by Jason Benjamin, the film premieres June 20.

The film follows the stories of clients, many of whom are transgender, as they come into the shop to find a perfect outfit.

“They all have fascinating lives and do really interesting things. Their gender and their gender presentation is just really the tip of the iceberg of who they are,” said Dunham in an interview with W magazine.

For their Sundance premiere, the entire crew, including Dunham, wore suits made by the Brooklyn company.

“I just felt strong and beautiful and powerful, which was really cool and unexpected,” said Dunham.

Via Out. Bindle & Keep.

Cool Stuff Friday

Image via Adidas

Image via Adidas

Stitched with thread produced from discarded fishing nets, Adidas‘ newest shoes are a collaboration with the ocean activist collective and company Parley for the Oceans. The idea for the shoe was hatched last year, but was more of a idealistic prototype than a ready-to-wear option for the masses. Today however, Adidas is releasing fifty pairs of the sneaker, a shoe composed of more than 16 old plastic bottles and 13 grams of gill nets.

This limited number of pairs is due to the difficult task of taking the collected trash and spinning it into fiber suitable for high performance shoes. Plastic bottles are relatively easy to transform into a useable material, but when it comes to the gill nets (which emit the smell of rotting fish) the task is a bit more difficult. Not only is the smell difficult to scrub from the nets, but the nylon is extra tough and requires being ground into a powder before it can be reformed into a material fit for the Adidas sneaker.

To collect these environmentally damaging materials, Parley partners with small countries that have large ties to marine pollution—locations like the Maldives, Grenada, and Jamaica. After partnering, Parley team members help clean up fisheries and other oceanside spots while teaching locals alternatives to using plastic in their businesses. The materials collected by Parley are then distributed not only to Adidas, but also institutions such as Parsons School of Design, which might help change the way new generations of designers think about incorporating these materials into future designs.

An announcement will be made soon on how to win one of the 50 released pairs of the collaborative shoe on Adidas’ Instagram.

Via Colossal Art.

American Apparel.

American Apparel.

Help to make America Gay Again!

American Apparel is taking a jab at the presumptive Republican presidential nominee with a new clothing line that promises to “make American gay again.”

The Pride 2016 collection includes T-shirts, tanks, and hats printed with the play on words of Donald Trump’s campaign slogan.

Created in partnership with the Human Rights Campaign and The Ally Coalition, the clothing line supports the fight for LGBT equality across the country.

30 percent of sales and 100 percent of sales from American Apparel and the HRC stores, respectively, will go to supporting the Equality Act. The bill would protect sexual orientation and gender identity under federal civil rights law.

The clothing line comes with a social media campaign, #MakeAmericaGayAgain, and videos from supporters—including recording artist and Glee alum Alex Newell (below).

I’m getting the tank top. Via Out.

The Passion of the Christ 2: Jesus Returns.

Courtesy of Photofest.

Courtesy of Photofest.

Jesus Christ, a bad movie might be on the way to resurrection.

Mel Gibson and writer Randall Wallace are working on a sequel to The Passion of the Christ that will tell the story of the resurrection of Jesus, Wallace tells The Hollywood Reporter.


Rumors swirled anew last month when Gibson was a surprise guest at Liberty University’s graduation ceremony to do an advance screening of Hacksaw Ridge and was asked about a Passion follow-up. He expressed interest in making a sequel but was not specific about his involvement. Wallace says demand in the Christian community influenced his and Gibson’s willingness to do another film.

“The evangelical community considers The Passion the biggest movie ever out of Hollywood, and they kept telling us that they think a sequel will be even bigger,” Wallace says.

No studio or financial backing has been lined up for the project, which is still in the early script stage. But Wallace indicates there are several financiers interested in investing. “It’s too early to talk money,” he adds. “This is such a huge and sacred subject.”

Oh, it’s such a huge and sacred subject, we don’t want to be crass, but hey, let’s do this and make a fucktonne of money, yeah?

Full Story Here.

Oh yes, and there’s a reboot of Ben Hur, too. All properly faithy and stuff. Anyone surprised Morgan Freeman is in this one?


Paramount Pictures and MGM are gearing up to release the reboot of “Ben-Hur” in August, and in a new faith trailer, viewers are given a glimpse into the impact Jesus Christ made on the fictional character Ben-Hur while an exclusive song by for King & Country plays in the background.

Writer John Ridley maintained that he had similar reservations while working on the script. “The most ardent fans of the 1959 film might find it blasphemous to revisit it in any form, but they forget these characters existed 80 years prior. People only tend to remember Charlton Heston and the chariot race, but Judah Ben-Hur is such a rich, classic character. He’s a wronged man seeking revenge and redemption. Compelling characters like Ben Hur and Messala are the reason we can return to these stories again and again, so I wanted to make the personal conflict between these former friends just as tense and memorable as the climactic chariot race,” he added.

Yep, it will be great, with added JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! Full story here.

Dirty Fit: Positive Pedalers.

Jamil Eric Wilkins.

Jamil Eric Wilkins.

“I bike to stay ahead of my condition. I want to be an example that we can thrive with HIV and live a happy and healthy life.” — Jamil Eric Wilkins.

Andrew Wilson.

Andrew Wilson.

“Don’t let the words of others influence what you believe or the way you dress.” — Andrew Wilson

Thousands of cyclists and volunteer “roadies” on a 545-mile journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles will partake in “Red Dress Day,” an over-the-top and fun  AIDS/LifeCycle tradition where cyclists wear a red dress, representing a red AIDS-awareness ribbon, on wheels.

Continuing this mission to reduce new HIV infections and improve the quality of life for people living with HIV or AIDS, YouTuber Davey Wavey has partnered with Positive Pedalers on the photo campaign, END STIGMA, to show that HIV-positive people are thriving with a positive status, not despite it. Comprised of repurposed bike parts and fabulous red costume, the images expand upon what “Red Dress Day” means for the riders on this inspiring and challenging ride through Callifornia.

“During my first ride, I noticed the big plus symbol on the PosPed’s jerseys and their tagline, Eliminating stigma through our positive public example,” said Wavey. “I was moved and impressed. Instead of surrendering to shame and stigma and hiding, these brave individuals are loudly saying, ‘Here I am!’ And showing the world that they’re not just surviving, but thriving.”

The Positive Pedalers (from left): CB Kirby, Andrew Wilson, Jamil Eric Wilkins, Larry Bryant, and Will Harrell.

The Positive Pedalers (from left): CB Kirby, Andrew Wilson, Jamil Eric Wilkins, Larry Bryant, and Will Harrell.

Full-frontal Fabulousness!

Save 10% with discount code “red” at
The Positive Pedalers:
Super special thank you to PosPeds member Blake Strasser for connecting DirtyFit with the incredible riders and supporters from BRAKING AIDS® Ride that modeled for this campaign.

Via Plus.

Words For All: You Are A Warrior.

Image: Vice President Joe Biden speaks to '60 Minutes' (Screen capture)

Image: Vice President Joe Biden speaks to ’60 Minutes’ (Screen capture)

VP Joe Biden has written an open letter to the woman raped by Brock Turner. The only thing I have to say is that these words are for all victims of rape and sexual assault, not just women. Via Raw Story.

An Open Letter to a Courageous Young Woman

I do not know your name—but your words are forever seared on my soul. Words that should be required reading for men and women of all ages.

Words that I wish with all of my heart you never had to write.

I am in awe of your courage for speaking out—for so clearly naming the wrongs that were done to you and so passionately asserting your equal claim to human dignity.

And I am filled with furious anger—both that this happened to you and that our culture is still so broken that you were ever put in the position of defending your own worth.

It must have been wrenching—to relive what he did to you all over again. But you did it anyway, in the hope that your strength might prevent this crime from happening to someone else. Your bravery is breathtaking.

You are a warrior—with a solid steel spine.

[Read more…]

The punishment for rape should be longer than a semester in college.

Ted Poe calls for Judge Aaron Persky to be removed (C-SPAN/screen grab)

Ted Poe calls for Judge Aaron Persky to be removed (C-SPAN/screen grab)

I never thought I’d be supportive of a conservative congressperson, but I am all the way with Ted Poe here.

Conservative Texas Congressman Ted Poe (R) on Thursday lashed out at Judge Aaron Persky after he sentenced former Stanford student Brock Turner to six months in jail for the sexual assault of an unconscious woman.

“The woman, just 22 years of age at the time, was being raped and the rapist was caught in the act,” Poe explained in a speech delivered on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. “Brock was found guilty of the sexual assault on three counts. His sentence, a mere six months in prison and three years probation.”

“Because the judge said a prison sentence would have a ‘severe impact’ on him,” the Texas Republican continued. “Well, isn’t that the point? Mr. Speaker, the punishment for rape should be longer than a semester in college.”


“This judge got it wrong,” he insisted. “There’s an archaic philosophy in some courts that sin ain’t sin as long as good folk do it. In this case, the court and defendant’s father wanted a pass for the rapist because he was a big shot swimmer.”

“The judge should be removed,” Poe remarked. “The rapist should do more time for the dastardly deed that he did that night.”

Poe added that he hope an appeals court would “overturn the pathetic sentence and give him the punishment he deserves.”

“The entitlement mentality of being a good college athlete and self-righteousness do not trump justice,” the lawmaker declared. “The criminal has given her a life sentence of mental pain, anguish and turmoil. When rape occurs the criminal is trying to steal the very soul of the victim.”

“Justice demands the judge be removed!” he exclaimed. “And we, the community, must assist the victim in all possible ways. Because rape is never the fault of the victim. And that’s just the way it is.”

Wow, sing it, Mr. Poe! Here’s hoping he is listened to, and yes, that travesty of so-called sentence needs to be overturned.

Via Raw Story.

Bombing Bathrooms.

Police investigate bomb in Target women's bathroom (Photo: Screen capture)

Police investigate bomb in Target women’s bathroom (Photo: Screen capture)

EVANSTON – A small bomb exploded in the women’s bathroom at a Target store in Evanston on Wednesday, and officials are investigating whether it’s connected to the company’s policy allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice.

Commander Joe Dugan says no one was inside the bathroom when the small explosion happened a little after 4 o’clock. It caused minor damage and no one was injured. Early indications are that a plastic bottle was used but no projectiles like nails or tacks were inside it. Investigators are gathering evidence including examining store security camera video.

Yep, someone went there. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and it wasn’t a major effort as far as bombs go, but that doesn’t matter much. What does matter is that the first person with a very dangerous mindset has done this, because I’m pretty sure we all know this won’t be the last. Terrorism has a face, and it’s in the house with us.

Via WGNtv.

Securing A Position With Bigotry.

Minnesota Democratic House candidate Erin Maye Quade (left) and her wife, Alyse Maye Quade. CREDIT: Courtesy Of Erin Maye Quade.

Minnesota Democratic House candidate Erin Maye Quade (left) and her wife, Alyse Maye Quade. CREDIT: Courtesy Of Erin Maye Quade.

During a Republican district convention in the suburban Twin Cities last month, Ali Jimenez-Hopper helped seal her endorsement as a state House candidate with a speech that attacked her Democratic opponent on the basis of her sexual orientation and race.

Referring to Erin Maye Quade, a staffer for Keith Ellison who has a black dad and is married to a woman, Jimenez-Hopper said “she is really far left [in] her values.”

“She brings up that she is half black and she uses that as a strength. She brings up that she is in support of LGBT and that lifestyle and puts out pictures on Twitter of her and her wife,” Jimenez-Hopper continued. “I believe in the traditional marriage in the sense that it’s between a husband and wife and God and that family is important. We need to have these values so we can go forth and think about your community.”

Oh, the horror! Ms. Quade is confident and proud of her heritage, and she posts photos of herself and her spouse, oh no, why that’s just evil. Pure evil. I much prefer the evil of a married couple posting photos than I am with the idea of the Christian Ménage à trois. So, it’s only the Christian trio family that’s important, the rest of us don’t matter at all. I can’t even process we need to have these values so we can go forth and think about your community. What does that mean? Go forth and think about your community, not our community, that’s a discordant note. Perhaps it’s simply as blatant as it seems, “hey, we’re going to stick our nose in all the things we shouldn’t!”

Following that speech, Jimenez-Hopper was officially endorsed as the GOP candidate for the House seat being vacated by Republican Rep. Tara Mack. Neither Jimenez-Hopper or Maye Quade face primary challengers, meaning they’re set to face off in the general election this November.

There isn’t even the slightest attempt to hide their bigotry now, no trying to disguise it with flowery language, not even going with the tried and true baffle them with bullshit.

Reached for comment, Maye Quade said that like many people, she first heard audio of Jimenez-Hopper’s remarks when they were detailed in a report published Wednesday. She said she came across the article this morning while in bed with her wife Alyse.

“This isn’t a Republican or Democrat thing, it’s basic human respect and it’s shocking to hear from anyone,” Maye Quade told ThinkProgress, adding that she’s never met Jimenez-Hopper. “That’s not the tone I want for this election — at least for me.”

I love that she mentions being in bed with her wife. If I was a Minnesotan, Ms. Quade would definitely get my vote.

The Full Story is at ThinkProgress.

Strong Reactions.

Ellie, left, who is transgender, hugs her brother Ronnie. (Courtesy Ford family)

Ellie, left, who is transgender, hugs her brother Ronnie. (Courtesy Ford family)

Ron and Vanessa Ford are the parents of a 5-year-old transgender child, and they recently wrote for The Washington Post about why they appreciate and support the Obama administration’s directive to schools on accommodating transgender students.


For the Fords, the debate about bathroom access is really a debate about discrimination, and about whether the government will or will not sanction discrimination against their child.

“We are an interracial couple,” they wrote. “Fifty years ago, in many places across the country, it would have been legal to discriminate against us because, many people said, a fundamental part of who we are was somehow offensive and perverse. Our daughter is transgender. In many places across the country, it is legal to discriminate against her because, many people say, a fundamental part of who she is somehow offensive and perverse.”

We asked readers to weigh in on how the bathroom debate compares to earlier civil rights debates. There were many responses, representing the wide range of views and strong feelings that have characterized the discussion about transgender rights in America.

It was good to see mostly support from readers, but it wasn’t just support. I dislike reading the non-supportive contributions, but I think it’s important to keep a current insight into how people are not only viewing certain issues, but how they are viewing people. It seems to me that in such views, beyond all the regular reasons for being anti and upset, there’s a distinct current of “no, not human”. This is othering, but it’s taking on an ugly extremism, with people even citing the violence directed at transgender people as a reason to refuse gender dysphoria being real, and gender affirmation as being absolutely wrong. Then there are those who are not concerned with actual people at all, just upset at what they see as co-opting the civil rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s.

[Read more…]