It’s unusual to find mushrooms in the winter, but Avalus has a good eye and found a few to share with us. Enjoy.
Here are some photos I took over the last few days of January mushrooms.
These two I found in front of the department building. I really like the colour of their tops, they look like leather. The undersides look fascinating too. (photos 1 & 2)
Yesterday we had some snow as well and today I found this little fella, poking out the fresh snow. (photo 3)
It is true that finding mushrooms in winter is not easy. However it is possible, it is even possible to find edible ones.
In our town used to live an amateur mycologist who was rather well known for being able to go into the forest at literally any time of the year and come back with a basket full of edible mushrooms. It was not totally uncommon to see him walk from the forest in the snow carrying full load.
That first one looks like it might be the Charcoal Burner, the name comes from the colours reflecting that of the flames you get when burning charcoal and it is edible, firm flesh, but a mild flavour.