In 2007 we had a major blackout in our town, three days if I remember correctly. In the winter. So when I got back from work I literally could do only things that were possible to do by candlelight – reading and drawing. It was the last time I have sat down with a piece of paper and a set of pencils and finished a drawing from start to finish. The drawing is below the fold since it is possibly NSFW.
This is fairly representative of what I have drawn, in addition to fantastical beasts, dragons, and trees. And depressions. I hope to brush-up on my drawing skills and get back into it now that I am unemployed and a master of my own time for a while. I have a few unfinished paintings too. A few finished as well, but I did not get round to taking pictures yet.
The original is a bit bigger than A4 and is now unfortunately irreparably damaged from an incident a few years ago when workers repairing my roof shuffled stuff in my attic whilst completely ignoring my advice about strong winds in my area. So they stored the folder with all my drawings and sketches under an impromptu shelter that was ripped off by a wind gust during the next rain. I found out only several weeks later when everything was moldy and I could not even plausibly require the company to pay the damages. I tried my best to salvage what I could, but I lost most of my drawings at that time.
I guess it says something about my deviant mind that my first thought about what makes it NSFW is not the nude bird woman but the Georgia O’Keefe-ish leaves on the tree.
You wonder where aerodynamics kick in for a hummanbird.