Jack’s Walk

Jack making a run for it at a 401 rest area. ©voyager, all rights reserved

Bonjour, ça va?

Jack and I have relocated to Pointe-Claire, Quebec, which is on the west island of Montreal. We’ll be spending two weeks here, visiting my mother-in-law, who will be 94 on the third of January. She’s a pistol, Mum is. She still does everything she did at 50, including baking (store-bought cookies just aren’t as good), shopping, driving, cooking, laundry, ironing (even underpants because they fit better in the drawer when pressed!) and keeping a tidy split level home with stairs everywhere. She has a full turkey dinner planned for Christmas Day, including a home-made raspberry pie.

We had a good drive. The roads were clear and traffic was much lighter than we expected, even going through Toronto. Jack slept most of the way, but the Mr. and I are feeling a bit road-worn after the 8-hour trek to get here. We’ve been making this drive for nearly 30 years, but the older I get, the longer it seems. Now, I think I’ll have one of those homemade cookies and wait for the feeling of still driving to stop.

So many new smells and so little time. ©voyager, all rights reserved


  1. Nightjar says

    Lovely photos of Jack. Glad to hear you arrived safely and I hope you and Jack have a lovely dinner tonight with the rest of the family!

  2. Ice Swimmer says

    An 8-hour drive is hugely long. I’m glad that it went well.

    I love the look of concentration on Jack’s face.

  3. Jazzlet says

    It’s that senssaton you get when you close your eyes and it feels as if the dark behind them is rushing towards you that I don’t like, so we always try to arrive early enough after a long journey to have several hours before we go to bed.

    Have a good time Voyager and family!

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