Seasons change and so do blogs. Here at Affinity we’re making a few changes to how things look. The first change you’ll see will be the top section of the left sidebar. We’ve collected all Caine’s cancer related writings and artwork into a new page that will stay permanently attached right where it’s always been only we’ve made it better. We’ve added all Caine’s cancer related writings that happened between Cancer Chronicles so it’s now a comprehensive list organized by date. We’ve also added Caine’s death notice and the eulogy by her husband and best friend, Rick. Beneath that you will find Caine’s cancer related artwork and then tributes made by members of Caine’s international community. The page ends with a reading recommendation from Caine herself. Comments will be left open on the page and they’ll be monitored regularly. The page is called Fuck Cancer: Caine’s Journey and it will be posted directly after this one. I hope I’ve managed to capture everything, but if you find any errors or omissions please let me know at The address is always in the left sidebar under the colourful percolating head.
The next change you’ll notice is the addition of the blogging team. Just click on the person’s name and it will take you directly to their introductory profile post. Underneath that you’ll find the addition of our Twitter account following the TNET.
Some of you may have already noticed one of the biggest changes; no more ads. Finally. The ads have been removed from all Freethought Blogs making this a great time to check out the other bloggers on the Freethought Channel, where a lot of talented writing happens. The full roster of blogs is on the left sidebar. A bit farther down you’ll find a list with the most recent postings on the channel.
One last thing. Affinity isn’t just a blog, it’s a community and we welcome you and your submissions with glee. I am happiest when I get to see what’s up in your world so please send us whatever you’ve got to share: trees, flowers, birds, rocks, fish, animals, hobbies, food… anything, really. We’re a curious bunch and if it interests you, chances are it will interest us. Just use the address on the left sidebar.
Thank you.
All of you.
Personally, I think voyager’s name should go at the top of the list, just under Caine, but you can’t argue with the alphabet, I guess!
Thank you for putting in the work to do this, voyager! It’s a privilege to share a team with you.
Thanks, all of you.
Thank you all for your work!
You lovely people.
But reading this all and browsing the art … I really miss Caine.
Avalus is right, browsing the art… still comes with a lot of pain attached. But this is something that had to be done sooner or later, and I think the sidebar looks great now. Thank you.
Thank you, all of you!
I love the book cover series, you are continuing an interesting and fun thing that Caine started.