Jack’s Walk

Deadwood and cattails , ©voyager, all rights reserved

I’m feeling a bit blue today. I think it’s the cold. I’m so tired of the cold. I’ve gotten myself through most the winter by feeling adventurous and brave, a voyageur and her trusted sidekick out tracking beavers and fairies in the wild. I also like to be challenged and uncomfortable sometimes because it makes me more grateful for simple things like warmth and shelter. Today, though, I just can’t muster up that sunny good attitude. I’ve been fighting double gravity for days (and days) and the cold is just pissing me off. I hope things are brighter for you.


  1. efogoto says

    I love your photographs and look forward to Jack’s walk (though probably less than Jack does). I hope when spring has sprung that your sunny attitude becomes ascendant again.

  2. jrkrideau says

    The cold has been getting me as well. It is getting harder to drag myself outdoors even on the bright sunny days. We are in the S.A.D. season.

    BUT the vernal equinox is fast approaching. Sunrise today was 6:35 EST.

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