Harakka in Autumn: Chapter 10

Ice Swimmer’s here and today he has rocks to show us. Be still my heart…..

Chapter 10 – Southwestern Rocks on Sunday, I

Shaped by Ice Age. ©Ice Swimmer, all rights reserved 

The rounded forms of the rocks come from the Ice Age. The bottom of the glacier was full of rocks embedded into the ice that was quite flexible under the huge pressure, grinding the rocks into rounded shapes.

Leaning Snag. ©Ice Swimmer, all rights reserved

I think the dead tree used to be a pine.

Roughly Smooth. ©Ice Swimmer, all rights reserved

The rocks aren’t perfectly smooth, there is roughness and bumpyness.

Direction of the Flow of the Continental Glacier. ©Ice Swimmer, all rights reserved

We are looking at the direction to which the glacier was flowing. The grooves on the rocks are evidence of that. We can be sure that Charly wasn’t operating the glacier. He would have made the glacier go other directions as well and used progressively finer grit sizes.

Driftwood Theory. ©Ice Swimmer, all rights reserved

I think this is beached driftwood.

Ajopuuteoria (driftwood theory) is a part of Finnish World War II historiography. It states that Finland became, like driftwood, as a co-belligerent of Nazi Germany, regardless of what our leadership wanted. As far as I understand, the theory in its strongest forms has been discredited for the last 40 or so years. I think there were no good choices for Finland but certain parts of the society here were more or less pro-Nazi.

The historian who authored the theory was Arvi Korhonen, who was also famous for swearing a lot. He was sometimes called Arvi-Perkele Korhonen because of that (perkele is “the” Finnish swear word).

We continue on the same rocks in the next installment, without any political history or academics with propensity to coarse language.

Harakka in Autumn: Chapter 9


  1. Ice Swimmer says

    These kinds of rock formations are called in English roche moutonnée or sheepback according to Wikipedia. The Finnish term is silokallio (smooth rock, sileä is smooth and kallio is a rock that’s a part of bedrock).

  2. Nightjar says

    Oooh, rocks! The rocks are amazing and the vegetation looks beautiful in that golden soft light. The photos are all beautiful but this time it is easy to pick a favourite: one shows the sea, the others don’t. :)

  3. rq says

    I like that leaning tree,
    And these rocks are perfect for barefoot walking, they have bumps and swells, but they’re generally all smoothed down by time and glaciers and the lichen and moss make for nice variations in texture. Just watch out for random pointy things.

  4. lumipuna says

    A random digression about the driftwood theory? How meta.

    We can be sure that Charly wasn’t operating the glacier. He would have made the glacier go other directions as well and used progressively finer grit sizes.

    Heh. Some versions of Finnish mythology claim the sky was forged by the master blacksmith Ilmarinen -- no wonder it’s so smooth compared to the earth.

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