From Nightjar,
I took these photos in a mid-October evening when it still hadn’t rained enough and everything was still looking a bit late summer-like (meaning all dried-up), but illuminated with lovely golden autumn light. October light is the best, so I had to have some fun with it.
The light in these photos is downright magical. I love every single shot, but the 2 fluffy seed pods (dandelion?) caught on a single thread of spider web is my favourite. Thanks for sharing Nightjar.
Damn bugs, they ate my tomato leaves! … Sorry, I got carried away by the lovely detailed picture. ;)
They are all beautiful, but the fourth one is really exceptional.
Gorgeous pictures, I love the dry seed heads. I think the first one in particular is especially lovely.
I don’t think the seeds are dandelion, if memory serves they have a stem between the seed and the fluffy bit. A hawkweed perhaps?
Oh wow, that light really IS gorgeous
These are beautiful. You’ve got a great eye, Nightjar. I like the transparency of the first, and the shield bug is a very handsome and fine fellow.
Thanks everyone! This was basically an excuse to play with my new extension tubes. Not having a real macro lens, I’m loving the nifty fifty + extension tube combination. Not allowing me to get close enough was the only fault of that lens, and that is now solved, so I’m happy.
The bug is Carpocoris fuscispinus. I do not know for sure what the fluffy seeds are, but they are too tiny to be dandelion and the right size to be hawkweed. So probably hawkweed.
Delightful and enchanting. I really love the backlit shots and the suspended seed.