Spring Tulips from Down Under

I never tire of autumn colours, but the sight of these gorgeous tulips sent in by David from Australia made me more than a little nostalgic for the season of new growth. The white ones in particular caught my eye. They look so fresh and crisp. David Says,

It may be Autumn/Fall up North, but here in the South, Spring has sprung, The Grass has riz. Shot these tulips last week in Bendigo, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bendigo)

such a lovely sunny day it was impossible to shoot without humans getting in the pics. Enjoy.

Thanks, David. I am enjoying and so will everyone else.

©David Brindley, all rights reserved

©David Brindley, all rights reserved

©David Brindley, all rights reserved

©David Brindley, all rights reserved

©David Briindly, all rights reserved

©David Brindley, all rights reserved

©David Brindley, all rights reserved



  1. jazzlet says

    I think I like the dark purple ones best, but it’s difficult to chose.

    David I hope you go back for the roses!

  2. rq says

    The purple ones are my favourite, too. I love the accent of the whites, though -- they really pop! But the dark ones are just so rich… Lovely! I can feel the sunshine!

  3. DavidinOz says

    jazzlet, too far to go back to Bendigo, but I do hope to get to the rose festival in Renmark in a few weeks time. South Australia is one of the best places in the world for roses, they thrive in our long hot and dry summers.

  4. jazzlet says

    DavidinOz I look forward to your photos, they’ll probably come when it has got grey and damp here. My neighbour has a rose climbing through a flowering cherry that is still flowering, but definitely winding down, by then it will have finished.

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