Remember when “liberals” praised Pope Francis for being so progressive? Our lovely progressive Pope had to deal with some nasty issues like priests massively raping kids for decades and of course he promised to do whatever he can. So you’ll be glad to hear that he’s found the culprit.
Yes, you heard right. The Devil. The literal horns and hooves devil, who did it to undermine the Roman Catholic Church. Oh, wait, did you think that the abused children were the victims here? You could not be more wrong! The real victim here is the church.
What an elegant way to absolve your horrible abusive institution from all the moral blame, especially those poor priest who were obviously under satanic influence.
What, you thought it had something to do with the policies of the church? Silly, bear.
Uh-huh, lucky us!
I gave Pope Frankie a chance — like Christ might do — but he blew it.