Aww, the little one. But that must have been a huge amount of work and two people must have been necessary at first.
Ice Swimmer,
I thought that too. Every 10 minutes is almost continuous feeding. I have a new appreciation for bird mamas and papas.
Wow. Thanks for sharing this, voyager. I have raised nestlings and fledglings successfully, but a wren (!!!) hatchling (!!!) I would have thought impossible.
Aww, the little one. But that must have been a huge amount of work and two people must have been necessary at first.
Ice Swimmer,
I thought that too. Every 10 minutes is almost continuous feeding. I have a new appreciation for bird mamas and papas.
Wow. Thanks for sharing this, voyager. I have raised nestlings and fledglings successfully, but a wren (!!!) hatchling (!!!) I would have thought impossible.
That would be an impossible endeavor for me, with a day job. Kudos for raising that cute little birdie.