You have no doubt noticed that some of the later pictures were a bit sloppy in their execution. Keep in mind that they were primarily a learning aide for me and they were not meant to be shared publicly. And whilst I did not post them in the exact order they were made, because they are not physically numbered and I of course do not remember it anymore, they were nevertheless posted in an approximate order. And I do remember that this one I have drawn as the last – and it is also the last one to be posted. This is the finale of the series.
After this picture I did not need to work on these sheets anymore, because I have passed the anatomy exam and I had to invest my resources into other things.
I knew that I have only 25 sheets to post and I reckoned that posting one a week will be about the right tempo to keep the blog squeak along with some regular and predictable content whilst giving Caine some much-needed respite. And I thought that at the time I will post my last sheet and bow out, she will be convalescing and getting back into her tempo.
Sadly, as it so often happens, the universe does not care about our presumptions and plans. Fuck cancer.
I very much enjoyed this series, Charly.
And I wholeheartedly agree…Fuck Cancer.
Fuck cancer.
This has been a very interesting series, ending in something that isn’t talked about very much.
Fuck Cancer.