… that a real sunset looks so cheesy you would think reality has no style whatsoever. I glanced out of the window before going to bed and I had to try and make some pictures, the sky was unreal.
Pictures straight from the camera, no adjustments, only resized.
©Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.
I prefer Maxfield Parrish.
Yesterday, here in beautiful Northeastern Pennsylvania, the bottom of the clouds were lit with a pink that should not exist in nature. The kind of colours that show up on middle school watercolours. The kind of pink that would get an art student thrown out of college. The kink of pind that no professional artist would touch, even for the packaging on a Barbie Doll. It was surreal.
And I did grab my camera and got a photo. And then noticed the little blinking message telling me I had no memory card installed. So I went in and grabbed the memory card. And took five photos.
With the camera set to black and white.
Oh, well.
Oh my god that’s amazing.
I agree that that I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t know that just sometimes nature needs a bit of kitsch as well.
***faints*** OMT those are SO beautiful. WOW.
I wish I did not suck so bad at painting, I would sure try and paint these otherwise… well maybe I will get there some day.
Good taste or not, the palette is kickass and the light and the dark melodramatic.
The Magentocalypse is coming!
How wonderfully melodramatic! Needs a good melodramatic poem.
Some people just want to see the world burn. Others are content with a dramatic sunset.
You are very lucky to have seen this and we are almost as lucky because you took these photos to share with us. That is one incredible sky.