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Liz Crokin, right wing “journalist” has recently lost the tips of two fingers in a surfing accident and is blaming Hilary Clinton as the cause.
Is it just me, or do other people think that the right wing of America have lost their minds. I can almost get past their belief in their God (almost, but not really), but what is up with the belief in witches and spells and curses. Do they really think we live in Harry Potter World full of magic, and if so why isn’t their all-powerful, all-seeing God doing something about it? It seems to me that it just highlights the impotence of their sky God. It all seems so totally illogical and totally ridiculous. The full story is at Right Wing Watch, if you can stomach it. Just a word of warning, if you click on the links inside the story be prepared for even more ridiculous right wing thinking.
That’s the same people who lecture hungry children about personal responsibility, right?
The belief in witches and accusing the political enemies of being witches is pernicious as fuck, providing endless possibilities for arbitrary persecution.
@Ice Swimmer @2;
Unfortunately, you are very right; and it would seem that the U S of A is particularly vulnerable to this sort of thing. They went from witches to communists (c. f. Miller’s The Crucible) and now they seem to be back to witches again.
Magical thinking will always win as it takes no effort to remain ignorant and ignorance is considered a virtue which is how at least one third of the population believes.
Jeez, if Hillary was able to curse effectively enough to smite a nobody surfing blogger, yet Trump is able to gobble down Big Macs with no ill consequences on his health whatsoever, then she is sure one incompetent witch.
Yeah… no.
Magic doesn’t work that way.