
  1. opus says


    Caine: You are right -- I think Crocus could shrug off a foot of snow. I’ve seen them feeling right chipper under a layer of ice from one of our north Georgia freezing rain ‘events.’

  2. says

    Opus, yes. We’re still very much in winter here, and will be a while yet. Our official “safe gardening” time isn’t until mid-May. Until then, freezing frosts can still come along and kill everything. But no matter the temp, snow, or ice, windflowers make it up in the first two weeks of March. They are an absolute joy to see, because in Early March, we are months away from the first dandelion.

  3. says

    Actually I’m a bit anxious that we might repeat last year’s disaster with a way too warm early March, rushing everything by 10-14 days and then a late frost spell that killed a lot of flowers, especially on fruit trees.
    This year is crazy already. Where I work there are daffodils in bloom.

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