So do I. Marty Two Bulls is brilliant, and he did the separate hair thing from the start.
Oh god that hair. I can’t stop giggling.
That’s one of the funniest depictions of the orange rapist I’ve seen!
I love the gross pink around the eyes. I think most cartoonists forget about that feature.
That pink round the eyes creeps me out, reminds me of all sorts of science fictional parasites for some reason, possibly because of that on in Babylon 5 that was mostly eye.
I really ♥ Trump’s hair as a separate entity.
So do I. Marty Two Bulls is brilliant, and he did the separate hair thing from the start.
Oh god that hair. I can’t stop giggling.
That’s one of the funniest depictions of the orange rapist I’ve seen!
I love the gross pink around the eyes. I think most cartoonists forget about that feature.
That pink round the eyes creeps me out, reminds me of all sorts of science fictional parasites for some reason, possibly because of that on in Babylon 5 that was mostly eye.